"Keep on the sunny side of life."

Friday, June 30, 2006

Oh, Joshie, you're so fine...

Is this kid not the cutest? I got to see Josh yesterday, and it was so much fun! I went to Little Rock (I got my car back, complete with sunroof! It's great!). While I was there, I stopped by to see my nephew. Every time I see him, he's different! He has started walking A LOT! It was amazing to see. It's so weird to think that he's past the crawling stage and now he'll be a walker. He's growing up! I'm such a proud aunt. The pictures here were taken for Josh and his cousin Brooklyn's first birthday.

I have an exciting announcement! Rosie will be here Monday, and she's staying all week! I cannot wait to spend time with my little sis, and I bet a lot of you can't wait either! AND, more news!...she told me that they have internet at their house in AL now, so she's going to start a blog! Won't that be a great way to keep up with her and Phillip's crazy life? I'm so excited.

Positive things. Today I'm having lunch with Brittany Martin and her husband Shawn. They're down here for a doctor's appointment. It's been so long since I've seen her in person...at least three or four months. It'll be fun!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Who Knew?

So, who knew that Diet Coke and Mentos would have such an explosive reaction when combined? Many of you might have seen this already. It's pretty crazy!

Diet Coke and Mentos Reaction Video


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Small Group Update

Sorry for the short notice, everyone in the small group, but we decided to take a break today. If you just want to come hang out, the James house will be open for business. Just call to let us know you're coming! We'd love to have some just hanging out time, but we're officially taking a week off from the group. See you guys later!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Need input!

Taylor and I watched a old movie last night. Short Circuit. Anybody seen it? Anyway, the robot in the movie kept saying, "Need input!", and that's what I'm needing today! I'm trying to figure out a good women's bible study to do, and I need input. I've chosen a few that I think might be good, but let me know what you think! Here are the links.

"Esther: Becoming a Woman God Can Use" by Traci Mullins (Women of Faith series)

"Believing God" by Beth Moore

"Finding Joy" by Traci Mullins (Women of Faith series)

Check out the links and let me know which of these three you would like the most, or make other suggestions! Thanks!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Trip Pics

Me splashing in a fountain

Fountain and flag at Hot Springs. Isn't this a cool picture? (Taylor took it.)

On our morning stroll around Lake DeGray Lodge. What a weird tree!

Me on top of the Mountain Tower.

Presenting Narter!!!

Here she is, ladies and gentlemen. Our car!!! Isn't she a beaute. This picture was taken atop the North Mountain in Hot Springs. Taylor and I were on our anniversary trip, which was really fun.

We got there Friday night and ate at the Hamburger Barn (Burger Barn to the locals...one of which I used to be) in Arkadelphia. Then we went to WalMart and stocked up on orange juice and cereal. Then we went back to the room and watched a movie.

Saturday morning we got up around 9 and took a walk on one of the trails at the lodge. It went all the way around the island where lodge is. I really enjoyed that. Then we ate lunch at Cracker Barrel and were on our way to Hot Springs! We spent the majority of the day there, visiting the mountain tower (which Taylor had miraculously NEVER been on!...I grew up going to that tower!), walking down Bath House Row, seeing a movie (Cars...it was great!) and eating. We had dinner at a place called Brau House, and it was amazing. I'd been there once before in college, and I thought then that I needed to take Taylor there, because he'd love it. I was right! We had a great time, eating German cuisine and listening to the bluesy live music. We had a blast. We're definitely going back there!

We got home today around 2 and spent the afternoon unpacking and playing with Banjo. We both missed our kitty! (In a store in Hot Springs, there were 3 little kittens for sale...it was so hard not to buy one! Banjo almost had to say goodbye to his pampered, single-cat lifestyle.) We had a really great weekend! Year two begins tomorrow. :)

What an amazing year it has been. Since Taylor and I have gotten married, so many things have happened! We bought a house, a car, and several appliances and things for the house. Rosie and Phillip got married. Suzi had Josh. Amy (Taylor's sister-in-law) had Eli. I started and completed my first year as a teacher. We got a cat. And through it all, we've had the best time getting to know each other. I'm usually not cheesy or sentimental (for those of you who know us, that's Taylor's department...:)) but thinking about all that makes me really thankful that God blessed me with such a great partner in life. I can't imagine what my life would be without Taylor!

Okay...cheesy part over. On to positive things. 1)Trip was SO much fun! Definitely something we want to do again. 2) Our car is being taken tomorrow to have a moonroof installed! This will make it my dream car!!! 3) I get to see Rosie and Phillip in a couple of weeks again! 4) We finally got a printer hooked up to our computer this afternoon! (Taylor did it, actually.) 5) It stormed for a while today...which is not usually a positive experience for me. But, while it was just beginning, I was talking to Suzi P. and she made me realize that some people actually do like storms. It makes it better knowing that not everyone is deathly afraid of them like me.

'Till next time.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Yr. 1 Anniversary almost here!

In honor of our one year anniversary, which will be on Sunday, I decided to post pictures of us from our honeymoon. My favorite one? The lobster hats. We went to Maine, and those lovely lobster hats were in our room, just waiting to be worn and photographed. Don't we look so cute. ;)

On to other news...YEAH!!!!!!!!! Taylor and I bought our first car together today. And I LOVE it. Thank you, God, for giving me the exact car I wanted! It's a 2005 Toyota Camry, silver, and AWESOME! Suzanne (my sis) said it looks like me. Which I took as a compliment. Taylor and I are still discussing what we shoudl name it. I wanted Cammie...an obvious choice. But he didn't like that. Then I suggested Camilla. He said okay, but I'm not convinced he liked it. If we have this much trouble naming a car, I'm not looking for to deciding on a baby name whenever that day may come. Hey, maybe we should name it Narter! (The car, not the baby.) We will decide soon, I'm sure. Be looking for a pic of it in the near future!

Today was SOOOO busy! It felt like a week crammed into a day. I had a funeral to attend this morning in Warren...my grandmother's sister. I went to that with my mom and Suzi. Then we ran some errands around town together and ended up eating lunch together. After that, I went back to Monticello and Tay and I went to the car place and insurance place. THEN, I went back to Warren to see Suzi and Josh and show them the car. We went to see my dad where he works, and then I came back to Monticello. I stopped by Suzi P.'s house for a few minutes and then went out to eat with Taylor. (I love Chinese food!) Last, I saw a movie...The Lake House. I really liked it. Very interesting. Whew! Good day, though.

Positive things about today? Umm...the car! That was the biggest one. Also, seeing Josh was great. That kid just keeps getting cuter! Spending time with my mom, dad, and sis was fun, too. Also, I really enjoyed seeing the movie tonight. I went with Amanda G., and I was glad to get to spend some time with her. It's sad that she's moving so soon! We also went with one of her friends, Brooke, who is really fun. I enjoyed hanging out with her again. Last one...Taylor and I are leaving tomorrow for our anniversary trip! I'm excited. It's hard to believe that on Sunday, we will have been married a year. Wow. Bring on the next one! I love you, Taylor!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Crazy dreams!

I just came up with a great idea. I tend to have very vivid, detailed dreams pretty often. And they're usually hilarious - to me, anyway. So I thought that anytime I have a dream of this nature, I'll post it. Let others get a glimpse inside my kooky subconscious. I had one of these dreams last night.

Taylor and I lived in Matt and Suzanne's house. It was real late at night, and there was a knock on the door. Who was it? Suzanne, with Noah in tow. (I guess Matt was at home with Grace and Jonah.) She came in, holding a pregnancy test, and told us that she was pregnant! We were all happy, especially Noah. I asked him what he wanted to name the baby, and he said "Narter."

End of dream. Weird, huh? Especially the Narter part. Narter Parker! But I think I've figured out where it came from. Noah has trouble saying some of his letters, right? J's, K's, etc. I'm pretty sure he can say his C's, but it my dream, he couldn't. I think I was trying to say Carter, Mandy and Clayton's little boy's name. (Which also happens to be my maiden name...hmm...) So, Noah really wanted to name the baby Carter, but he said "Narter" instead.

There you have it. I know Matt and Suzanne are wanting to have another baby sometime, and Clayton and Mandy sometime soon. I really think you guys should consider Narter for a possible name. Kinda catchy, don't you think? And, it must mean something, if it was in my dream. Right? Narter Parker. OR Narter Moss. Haha! Great!

Monday, June 19, 2006

I've been a very busy bee!!!

Okay. Picture my face on that little bee's body. ;) It is definitely time for me to post. It's been so long! Actually, it's only been about 5 days, but that seems like forever, especially when I think of all that's happened since then. I kept Josh. He is SO much fun. I got to see some of his first steps! (It was the third time he'd taken steps that day.) I saw that on Thursday night. Friday, he didn't walk at all. I think he's still a little unsure and tentative about the whole thing. Once he figures out he can do it though, it's on. He will be into EVERYTHING. He is such a little boy. Mischevious, not afraid of anything. I was playing on the bed with him, and he just went crawling away, right for the edge of the bed, ninety to nothing. He really has NO fear. And he is SO cute. I just melt every time he smiles at me. I loved every minute of keeping him. He's such a good baby!

I did that Friday, and on Saturday, I got to see Rosie and Phillip! That was really fun. I'd really been missing them. Saturday afternoon, the whole family was there (like aunts and cousins and stuff), but that night it was just me, Taylor, Mom, Dad, Rose and Phillip. They told us all about their new job...they're loving it, by the way. They've been really busy since they've moved down there, but they're enjoying themselves. They taught us all the new games they've learned (you know, youth group type games) and that was fun. Actually, not really. It's those games where you have to figure out the rules or what's going on (like psychiatrist, if any of you know that game), and I am TERRIBLE at doing that! Taylor and Rosie and Phillip loved it, but I mainly enjoyed watching them. I know myself too well to play games like that. I'll get frustrated and make a fool of myself, so I refrained from the festivities. We had a really good time seeing them.

Yesterday, Father's Day, we went to Little Rock to spend the day with Taylor's family. His brother and sister-in-law have a new baby (fairly new...I think he's 5 or 6 months old now) so we wanted to celebrate Nathan being a new daddy, and Taylor's dad. We had a really good time there, too. I made dessert, and everybody liked it! I was amazed.

Then today, I had another busy day! Jonah has been sick since Thursday (poor thing!), and Suzanne took him to his doctor today in PB. I watched Noah and Gracie while they were gone. They were really good, and we had a great time! I have a new respect for any parent now! Keeping Josh last week and the Parkers today...kids are hard work! We did have a good time today, and Noah and Grace gave me lots of good laughs. They're a riot! Several times, I told Noah we could do something, and he'd look at me very doubrfully like, "Are you sure?" and say, "Okay. Whatever you say..." like he knew better but was going to do it because I told him it was okay. He's so cute. And Grace did this slurping thing all day...Suzanne said it was a new thing when I told her about it. We played outside and in the water and Noah had a bath and we watched movies...it was quite a day!

Tomorrow, I'm planning on doing a few things, but nothing like the past week! I think I'm going to try to get tape up in the hall and bathroom, and possibly do some painting. I'm really ready to get rid of our so-bright-it-gives-me-a-headache orange bathroom. (Sorry, Taylor!) I've not liked it since the day I painted it that color for him. He's being really great about it, though.

So, there's my update! Now, I'm going to rest!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Friday Fever

Name your favorite...

1. Candy: Cadbury Mini Eggs

2. Cookie: chocolate chip - not the soft ones!

3. Donut: glazed from wherever

4. Cold Drink: Diet Dr. Pepper

5. Hot Drink: Coffee with a Cinnamon Vanilla Cream creamer and sugar

I'm tagging Mandy and Brittany!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Being sick is no fun!

I hate being sick. I was all day yesterday, and it was NO FUN. At first I thought it was nothing, but as the day progressed, it got worse and worse. Finally I caved in and had my doctor call in some meds for me. That made it better, but still I woke up several times last night sick. Yuck. This morning I'm feeling much better. I still don't feel 100% though...probably because it's been about 24 hours since I've eaten anything. The worst part about being sick yesterday? I didn't get to keep Josh today. I was SO looking forward to that! His daddy (Tommy) took off work today to keep him. I'm going up later this afternoon, so I'll be able to keep him tomorrow. I guess one day is better than none, huh?

We had the small group at our house last night. If I'd realized how sick I was, I would've cancelled it or moved it somewhere else, but it was too late by the time I thought about it. I holed up in my room while everybody else was having fun outside. It was pretty funny...every once in a while, I'd catch a little of the chaos. I'd hear a kid screaming or knocking something around. I love our group. And Mandy, I don't know if you messed up our house or not. Taylor had it all clean by the time I was up and around this morning. Isn't he great?

So, there it is. My first non-positive post. But, never fear! I'm sure I can pull something positive out of yesterday. Let's see. I have a great family. ;) You realize things like this when they come through for you. Taylor was great during my sickness. He's learned that when I'm sick, I just want to be left alone, checked on occassionally to see if I'm still alive or need anything. My mom picked up my medicine and came all the way over here from Warren to bring it to me. Another positive thing...I got flowers yesterday! I haven't gotten flowers in a long time. Suzanne gave them to me. I watched her kids yesterday morning, and by the time Suz got back, I was feeling pretty crummy. She sent me flowers to brighten my day! (I really hope I didn't get your kids sick, Suzanne!) The flowers are so pretty! 2 red gerber daisies in a bright green vase. I love it! And I really enjoyed keeping her kids, despite feeling bad. They're such cool kids! My favorite moment from yesterday - We were outside playing around 10:30, and Jonah said, "You've been here ALL DAY LONG." I said, "It's not even lunch yet! Your mom was really tired, so I'm watching you so she can rest." Then he said, with that huge smile of his, "That's okay. I haven't gotten tired of you being here." He's so cute. They were really well-behaved too, Suzanne.

I'm fixing to be on my way to Conway! Josh, here I come!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Boring Post Alert! Read at your own risk!

This may possibly end up being the most boring post I have ever written. I can't think of anything to write, but I feel like I should post. Let's see. What did I do today? This morning I went to WalMart and then walked at the track with Suzanne and Mandy (and their kids). Then I painted the trim in my living room! I got it all done!!! It took 4 coats, but I persevered. Now all I have left to do is the trim in the hall and then our bathroom. After painting, I went and worked out with Amanda and then dropped off dinner at Tonya and Rufus's. THEN, back to Monticello to the Parkers for a minute and then Amandas for supper. Whew! I feel like today flew by! I enjoyed being busy, though.

There's not really much else to write about today. This is a real interesting post, huh? Oh well. I'll be able to write a really great post after keeping Josh this weekend. I leave tomorrow! And then Saturday I get to see Rosie and Phillip! Yep, I'll definitely have a better post next time. My apologies for this boring one!

Positive things? Hmm...I'm still doing well on my water drinking goal. Haven't missed a day yet! And, I really like my kitty, Banjo. Tonight he curled up on my lap, purring, and fell asleep. He's so sweet!

Until next time...

Monday, June 12, 2006

Yea Internet!

This is my first post from my house! We have the internet! I'm so excited!

So, it's the beginning of another week. I am determined to get a lot done this week. I think I could be a slob and veg out the whole summer if I let myself. I did that the first week and half of my summer, and I gained 4 lbs! So, I'm going to get busy! This week, I have lots planned. I'm going to walk every morning that I can with friends, and a few afternoons this week I'm going to work out with another friend at Curves. I'm also going to paint the trim in our living room this week, and maybe paint our bathroom, as well. I might rearrange the furniture in our bedroom. I'm real bad about that. I'll get the furniture one way and then a few months later I'll be itching to rearrange. Oh well. Wednesday afternoon I'll be in Conway keeping Josh through the weekend. That boy is so cute! I'm sure we're going to have a blast.

More exciting things! Rosie and Phillip are coming to visit this weekend! I can't wait to see them. It still hasn't sunk in that they're actually moved. It feels like they're just on vacation or something. Pretty soon they'll be back. Nope. They're gone for good. That's so weird to me. It just doesn't feel possible. I think they're doing really well. I know they've been busy since they got there with church stuff. I'm ready to see them, though.

Positive things for today - Taylor and I finally got "the room" cleaned! That's where I'm sitting right now. Well, it's partially clean, anyway. We've still got a little to clean, but it's tons better than it was. We can actually walk through it!

Friday, June 09, 2006

One great weekend - coming right up!

Here I am again, mooching off of someone else's internet trying to get my post in. Today I'm at the place my hubby works...he's in class and Grandma was going to be by herself up here, so Taylor asked me to come up and sit with her for a few hours. It's been really slow...which is actually great. I don't know how anything works up here, and I'm glad my ignorance has not yet been demonstrated this morning. I've spent the entire 2 hours on the internet so far. Mostly I've been doing blogthings, which I am totally addicted to now. I really liked the one I just posted about logic. It was fun. I recommend it to anyone who has a little time - it takes a little while to figure out some of the questions.

So...news! Taylor and I are slowly but surely moving into the 21st century. We now have a home phone! And we're getting internet - wireless internet! - next week!!! I'm so excited. Now if I can just convince Taylor to let us get cable...

Guess what I get to do this weekend? I get to spoil my nephew! (I almost did it again. The "nephiew" thing. Wow. Glad I caught myself from making that grave mistake.) ;) He and my sister are coming to visit, and I am SOOOOOOO excited! And I get more of him next week! I'm keeping him this coming Thursday and Friday. I can't wait! I just love that little guy. Maybe he'll take his first step when I'm there. He's SO close! Suzi (my sis - his mom) told me that the other night he was standing there and lifted his foot like he was going to take a step, but then fell. Man, he's going to be walking in no time! He also says "uh-oh" a lot now and points at things. AND he plays peek-a-boo - hiding behind corners or tables and then popping out and laughing. He's a genius.

Positive things - pretty much this whole post was full of them, but what else? My water-drinking has been going well. Some of you know this - but at the place I work out, they're challenging all of us to drink 64 oz. (8 glasses) of water every day. And I've done it now for over a week! And I haven't missed one day! I'm very excited. Another good thing (I just thought of Martha Stewart for some reason) - my eyeglasses came in today! Yeah! Oh, if any of you want our new phone number, just ask! (You'll be getting an email if I have your address.)

Later dudes!

I am the Master of Logic. Cool!

Wow. This was very challenging, but fun! (And...why is the guy in this picture naked? Weird.)

You Are Incredibly Logical

(You got 75% of the questions right)

Move over Spock - you're the new master of logic

You think rationally, clearly, and quickly.

A seasoned problem solver, your mind is like a computer!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Which Muppet are You?

You Are Scooter

Brainy and knowledgable, you are the perfect sidekick.
You're always willing to lend a helping hand.
In any big event or party, you're the one who keeps things going.
"15 seconds to showtime!"

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Crockpot or Buffalo?

I had plans for today. I did. But, they all fell through. It's kinda funny, actually. My workshop in PB? Didn't go. I woke up, got ready, and left the house on time. But I wasn't thinking and started driving to school, which is not the quickest way to get to PB. So, I turned around and went back. THEN, after driving about 15 minutes I realized that I was out of gas and couldn't make it to the next gas station. So I had to turn around AGAIN and get gas. By that time, it was already about 7:30, and my wkshop started at 8. I just decided not to go! Which was kind of exciting, because I NEVER do things like that. So I crawled back into bed and slept till 1. Ha!

Next plan that fell through? The cleaning mission. We didn't step foot in "the room" today. One more week with a messy room won't kill me. (Funny story...last night, after reading about the super-messy room in my house that we were going to clean, Suzanne asked me, "Now, which room are you talking about?" Sad, huh? I have more than one super-messy room that needs cleaning in my house. It was really funny.) So, that didn't get done.

Failed mission #3. Taylor was going to study for a test that he has Monday today. He hasn't even LOOKED at a book yet, and I don't think he's going to.

So, you may be thinking, what DID Lee Ann do all day? Good question, and I'll tell you the answer. Taylor and I found a place to go on our anniversary trip! Whew! It took 4 hours and lots of work, but we did it. We hunkered down at the internet in the shop and looked nonstop until we found something. We were thinking of a cabin, but it seemed that every place we really agreed on was either booked up or $348 dollars a night! (Really - the place I wanted turned out to be $348/night!!! That hurts just thinking about it!) We searched and searched...endless websites describing "rustic" cabins, trying to convince innocent internet surfers like us to stay at their establishments. Some were very convincing, actually, like the cabin that listed a crock pot as one of it's ammenities. The one with the shower with a heart shaped entrance and a copper floor was pretty tempting, as was the "old west saloon" style cabin with a bed "that appears to be hanging from the ceiling by chains!" and with a four foot buffalo in the living room. Wow. So what did we finally decide on, after hours of deliberation? We're staying at the Lake DeGray lodge. I'm just glad to have made a decision! I think we'll have a good time.

Time for my positive things - the whole cabin hunt was a fun experience, looking back on it. We're playing Scrabble tonight! I love Scrabble. I guess that's it. Life is good.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Step Up to the Plate

I'm stealing the idea I just saw from Suzanne. If you read my blog, make a comment now! PLEASE! I want to know who my wonderful fans are. Just because. Thanks!

The Dog Days

Here I am again, using the Parkers for their internet. I feel kinda guilty, cause Matt is outside with the boys and Suzanne is in the bathroom with Gracie. Here I am, all alone with their internet. So, today was so good. I'm loving those dog days of summer. Why are they called the "dog days"? Another mystery. Today, I did NOTHING. Really. I got out of bed around 9:30 to get the computer and then I watched a movie in bed until around 11. Then I got up, showered, made lunch and ate it with Taylor, and cleaned the house a little bit. Then, I watched ANOTHER movie in bed and read until Taylor got home at 5. Ah, this is the life. However, I have discovered something odd. I think I enjoy working. I kinda missed it today. I mean, I think that's a good thing, but it's just weird. I always wondered if I would enjoy working, and now I guess I know. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying my summer break 100%, but I think I'll be ready to go back in August.

I've actually got something to do tomorrow. I'm going to PB for a workshop tomorrow morning, which, incidentally, I get payed $25 an hour for. (Yes!) It'll be fun to see some of my teacher friends again. Then Taylor and I are going to work on "the room." Yes, that's what we call it. Mostly because it's not really anything now - not a bedroom, an office, a sitting room, nothing. If I were to call it anything, I would have to call it the "it's so messy I can't take two steps into it without being stopped by the overwhelming pile of junk" room. That's just too hard to say, so we stick with "the room." Yes, we have a mission tomorrow, people. If it kills me, I am going to clean that room. (It may be kinda hard, considering that 90% of the things I've labeled as "junk" are the prized possessions of my husband. I forsee a battle.) We'll do the best we can, though! I must say, Taylor is the one taking the initiative to actually get in there and do something - it was his idea to clean it. For the past few months, I've just been shutting the door and making due, and, honestly, I could probably do that for a long time and be happy. It just seems like an impossible task! I'll try to write about it in my next post. I'm sure some blog-worthy stuff will happen.

Positive things about today - the whole doing nothing thing was great. I bought some glasses yesterday, and I'm so ready to have them! They'll probably be in sometime next week. Yeah! Also, Taylor and I are planning our one year anniversary trip. We've had some disagreement over where to go (surprise, surprise), but I think wherever we decide on is going to be fun. (Yes, we haven't decided yet. We finally decided on one place and called to make reservations, but they were booked solid! So on with the compromising.) I'm at the Parkers tonight for supper, which I'm sure is going to be delicious!