One great weekend - coming right up!

Here I am again, mooching off of someone else's internet trying to get my post in. Today I'm at the place my hubby works...he's in class and Grandma was going to be by herself up here, so Taylor asked me to come up and sit with her for a few hours. It's been really slow...which is actually great. I don't know how anything works up here, and I'm glad my ignorance has not yet been demonstrated this morning. I've spent the entire 2 hours on the internet so far. Mostly I've been doing blogthings, which I am totally addicted to now. I really liked the one I just posted about logic. It was fun. I recommend it to anyone who has a little time - it takes a little while to figure out some of the questions.! Taylor and I are slowly but surely moving into the 21st century. We now have a home phone! And we're getting internet - wireless internet! - next week!!! I'm so excited. Now if I can just convince Taylor to let us get cable...
Guess what I get to do this weekend? I get to spoil my nephew! (I almost did it again. The "nephiew" thing. Wow. Glad I caught myself from making that grave mistake.) ;) He and my sister are coming to visit, and I am SOOOOOOO excited! And I get more of him next week! I'm keeping him this coming Thursday and Friday. I can't wait! I just love that little guy. Maybe he'll take his first step when I'm there. He's SO close! Suzi (my sis - his mom) told me that the other night he was standing there and lifted his foot like he was going to take a step, but then fell. Man, he's going to be walking in no time! He also says "uh-oh" a lot now and points at things. AND he plays peek-a-boo - hiding behind corners or tables and then popping out and laughing. He's a genius.
Positive things - pretty much this whole post was full of them, but what else? My water-drinking has been going well. Some of you know this - but at the place I work out, they're challenging all of us to drink 64 oz. (8 glasses) of water every day. And I've done it now for over a week! And I haven't missed one day! I'm very excited. Another good thing (I just thought of Martha Stewart for some reason) - my eyeglasses came in today! Yeah! Oh, if any of you want our new phone number, just ask! (You'll be getting an email if I have your address.)
Later dudes!
Ok, ok, you twisted my arm! I updated! Congrats on the home phone and the wireless internet! You guys are moving about the same pace we did. We didn't get a home phone until we moved to Pine Bluff. And we got wireless internet the same time. But we didn't get cable until we moved up here! It was worth the wait, though! Now we have a DVR, too. Maybe Taylor will give in soon! ;)
12:12 AM
Hooray for being in the 21st century! I felt that way when we finally caved and bought cell phones... we had been married for 3yrs already! Your nephew is ADORABLE! I cannot believe he's already old enough to begin walking! Have a great time seeing him!
9:34 AM
Hey there! I just stumbled across your blog. Please put me on your email address list and send me your new number, please. My email is Your nephew is really cute. Bye for now
4:15 PM
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