The Dog Days

Here I am again, using the Parkers for their internet. I feel kinda guilty, cause Matt is outside with the boys and Suzanne is in the bathroom with Gracie. Here I am, all alone with their internet. So, today was so good. I'm loving those dog days of summer. Why are they called the "dog days"? Another mystery. Today, I did NOTHING. Really. I got out of bed around 9:30 to get the computer and then I watched a movie in bed until around 11. Then I got up, showered, made lunch and ate it with Taylor, and cleaned the house a little bit. Then, I watched ANOTHER movie in bed and read until Taylor got home at 5. Ah, this is the life. However, I have discovered something odd. I think I enjoy working. I kinda missed it today. I mean, I think that's a good thing, but it's just weird. I always wondered if I would enjoy working, and now I guess I know. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying my summer break 100%, but I think I'll be ready to go back in August.
I've actually got something to do tomorrow. I'm going to PB for a workshop tomorrow morning, which, incidentally, I get payed $25 an hour for. (Yes!) It'll be fun to see some of my teacher friends again. Then Taylor and I are going to work on "the room." Yes, that's what we call it. Mostly because it's not really anything now - not a bedroom, an office, a sitting room, nothing. If I were to call it anything, I would have to call it the "it's so messy I can't take two steps into it without being stopped by the overwhelming pile of junk" room. That's just too hard to say, so we stick with "the room." Yes, we have a mission tomorrow, people. If it kills me, I am going to clean that room. (It may be kinda hard, considering that 90% of the things I've labeled as "junk" are the prized possessions of my husband. I forsee a battle.) We'll do the best we can, though! I must say, Taylor is the one taking the initiative to actually get in there and do something - it was his idea to clean it. For the past few months, I've just been shutting the door and making due, and, honestly, I could probably do that for a long time and be happy. It just seems like an impossible task! I'll try to write about it in my next post. I'm sure some blog-worthy stuff will happen.
Positive things about today - the whole doing nothing thing was great. I bought some glasses yesterday, and I'm so ready to have them! They'll probably be in sometime next week. Yeah! Also, Taylor and I are planning our one year anniversary trip. We've had some disagreement over where to go (surprise, surprise), but I think wherever we decide on is going to be fun. (Yes, we haven't decided yet. We finally decided on one place and called to make reservations, but they were booked solid! So on with the compromising.) I'm at the Parkers tonight for supper, which I'm sure is going to be delicious!
if you get bored at the parkers (heh, heh, heh :) you can come use our internet anytime too! we only charge $5 per hour- just kidding. i'm always trying to think of some big money-making scheme though!!
11:25 AM
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