Oh, Joshie, you're so fine...

Is this kid not the cutest? I got to see Josh yesterday, and it was so much fun! I went to Little Rock (I got my car back, complete with sunroof! It's great!). While I was there, I stopped by to see my nephew. Every time I see him, he's different! He has started walking A LOT! It was amazing to see. It's so weird to think that he's past the crawling stage and now he'll be a walker. He's growing up! I'm such a proud aunt. The pictures here were taken for Josh and his cousin Brooklyn's first birthday.
I have an exciting announcement! Rosie will be here Monday, and she's staying all week! I cannot wait to spend time with my little sis, and I bet a lot of you can't wait either! AND, more news!...she told me that they have internet at their house in AL now, so she's going to start a blog! Won't that be a great way to keep up with her and Phillip's crazy life? I'm so excited.
Positive things. Today I'm having lunch with Brittany Martin and her husband Shawn. They're down here for a doctor's appointment. It's been so long since I've seen her in person...at least three or four months. It'll be fun!
Hooray Josh on walking!! Man he's getting big fast! Seems like I was just looking at his baby pictures! I can't wait to see Narter!! Yippie!!!
4:46 PM
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4:46 PM
Just going to let you know we had a great time at lunch yesterday. We're home now, after a long drive! Doc says everything looks good! Oh, and those pics are soooo cute!
11:08 PM
Josh looks great! It is amazing to watch a child crawl and then all of a sudden they are walking. I am glad Rose is coming down. I bet you all will have fun.
2:54 PM
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