Yr. 1 Anniversary almost here!

In honor of our one year anniversary, which will be on Sunday, I decided to post pictures of us from our honeymoon. My favorite one? The lobster hats. We went to Maine, and those lovely lobster hats were in our room, just waiting to be worn and photographed. Don't we look so cute. ;)
On to other news...YEAH!!!!!!!!! Taylor and I bought our first car together today. And I LOVE it. Thank you, God, for giving me the exact car I wanted! It's a 2005 Toyota Camry, silver, and AWESOME! Suzanne (my sis) said it looks like me. Which I took as a compliment. Taylor and I are still discussing what we shoudl name it. I wanted Cammie...an obvious choice. But he didn't like that. Then I suggested Camilla. He said okay, but I'm not convinced he liked it. If we have this much trouble naming a car, I'm not looking for to deciding on a baby name whenever that day may come. Hey, maybe we should name it Narter! (The car, not the baby.) We will decide soon, I'm sure. Be looking for a pic of it in the near future!
Today was SOOOO busy! It felt like a week crammed into a day. I had a funeral to attend this morning in Warren...my grandmother's sister. I went to that with my mom and Suzi. Then we ran some errands around town together and ended up eating lunch together. After that, I went back to Monticello and Tay and I went to the car place and insurance place. THEN, I went back to Warren to see Suzi and Josh and show them the car. We went to see my dad where he works, and then I came back to Monticello. I stopped by Suzi P.'s house for a few minutes and then went out to eat with Taylor. (I love Chinese food!) Last, I saw a movie...The Lake House. I really liked it. Very interesting. Whew! Good day, though.
Positive things about today? Umm...the car! That was the biggest one. Also, seeing Josh was great. That kid just keeps getting cuter! Spending time with my mom, dad, and sis was fun, too. Also, I really enjoyed seeing the movie tonight. I went with Amanda G., and I was glad to get to spend some time with her. It's sad that she's moving so soon! We also went with one of her friends, Brooke, who is really fun. I enjoyed hanging out with her again. Last one...Taylor and I are leaving tomorrow for our anniversary trip! I'm excited. It's hard to believe that on Sunday, we will have been married a year. Wow. Bring on the next one! I love you, Taylor!
Congratulations on a year and on the car! Did you save the top layer of your wedding cake to eat? Ours was actually pretty good. Have fun on your trip!
12:06 PM
Umm...yeah. Top layer was saved, but in the move the tupperware was cracked, and we didn't have another one big enough...long story short, the cake is VEEEERRRRY freezer burned. We're going to take one LITTLE bite and toss the rest! Yuck!
1:28 PM
Congrats on the car. I think you should name it Narter since the dream was hilarious.
3:30 PM
I'm with Lou on this one...Narter it should be.
4:05 PM
happy, happy, happy, happy, happy
happy anniversary!
wow, it's been a year?! that means gracie was less than 2 months old at the time. good grief. it's been an amazing year!
7:30 PM
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! Hope you guys had a great vacation! Congrats on the new car!! You got an awesome one! I have to say that Narter is at least going to be OUR name for your car, no matter what you and Tay really decide! ;) Baby naming is much harder than car naming.. I think clayton and I would've gotten divorced had Carter been a girl... we could NOT agree on a girl name! Can't wait to see 'Narter'!! :)
3:25 PM
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