"Keep on the sunny side of life."

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I saw the sun today! Did anyone else see it, or was I hallucinating?

Monday, January 22, 2007

Lee Ann Must Be Tired If...

1) I come home after school and fall...literally, FALL...into bed

2) I fall asleep with my glasses on and a book on my belly

3) The kitties don't wake me up with all their playfullness (jumping up and down from the bed, crawling through mini-blinds, meowing at each other and at me, etc.)

4) I really have to go the bathroom, but can't bring myself to get out of bed to do it

5) I have a Diet Cherry Coke from Sonic on my bedside table but can't muster up enough energy to sit up for a drink

6) I don't even open my eyes or grunt when my husband gets home from work

and finally, the most shocking and disturbing symptom of my utter exhaustion...

7) I pass up a very rare invitation from my husband to go to the movies! What's happening to me?!?!?!?

All of these things happened today...in the past hour, in fact. I don't know what the deal is. I think it's the weather. Really! It's cold (which I don't like), rainy (which I don't like), and getting dark early (which I don't like). This is really my least favorite part of the year. Every day I yearn for the warm, sunny days of spring! The green grass! (rather than the brown, dead, muddy crud in our yard now.) The blue skies! (instead of the boring gray ones that have been outside my window for the past week.) The warm breeze! (not the painfully cold stabs of wind that we've got now.) Oh, spring, come quickly!!!

And, to end on a happy note, one of my kids came up to me this morning and said, "Hey, you know what I heard on TV this morning, Mrs. James? Today's supposed to be the most depressing day of the year." This, mind you, was said in the wonderfully upbeat and excited voice of a 12 year old boy. I just looked at him and said, "Thanks, Justin. I'll look forward to that."

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I had a very strange dream last night. I have this recurring dream...or nightmare, I guess...that I'm late for school. The details are always different, but I always figure out that I'm late for school at 7:55 (school starts at 8:00). In one dream, I overslept and woke up at 7:55. In another, I thought it was a holiday, but it wasn't. And I realized it at 7:55. That's kinda like the one I had last night, but not exactly.

In this dream I thought it was a holiday, so I decided to go out of town, to Conway, to see family. Next thing I know, I'm in some kind of talent show at a school. Somehow in my dream, I know I'm there to see some kids perform, but I don't know who or why. One of my old friends from high school is sitting on my right, and Taylor's on my left. In front of me is the principal of my school. We're waiting for the performance to begin when it hits me. It's not a holiday! I'm supposed to be at school at 8:00, it's 7:55, and I'm in Conway! I jump out of my seat and quickly explain the situation to Mrs. White (the principal, who happens to be sitting right in front of me), apologizing profusely. (Here's something weird...in this dream, I can remember all the other times when I've been late to school - a.k.a. my previous dreams!) I tell her I can get there in 2 hours if they can just get a sub for that long. She tells me not to worry, they can do that. As I'm leaving, Taylor walking me out, I turn around to see the talent show has turned into karaoke. And the principal has gotten up to sing a song, but she's not Mrs. White anymore. She's Whitney Houston. But she's still my principal. Weird! She starts singing "The Greatest Love of All," (yes, the one that begins, "I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way." I haven't heard that song in a LOOONNNG time, except, a couple of months ago, I sang that song at Rosie's house while we were playing a karaoke video game!) I proudly tell Taylor, "It's so cool to have Whitney Houston as my principal." Taylor walks me out, and he tried to make me drive the truck home (which is apparently ours and a stick-shift.) I refuse and end up driving the Camry.

I woke up in a panic and totally stressed out, like I do every time that I have that dream. Very strange!

Monday, January 08, 2007


Okay...posting today because it's been WAAAY too. The new year celebrations have come and gone. It's 2007! That's just crazy. The whole new year thing was fun. Taylor and I spent the week after Christmas in Kansas City, MO with Taylor's family. It was great! His mom is officially moved in with Tarah up there, so hopefully we'll get to see her more often. After driving back, Taylor and I had friends over for New Year's Eve. It was very funny to me...everybody left by 10:00 p.m. All our friend have kids, so they could'nt really stay till midnight. It might seem a little depressing...here I am, 24, and the party's over at 10:00! I wasn't actually that disappointed, though...I was exhausted! And it was nice to ring in the new year with just me and Taylor.

New Year's Day, Taylor and I shampooed the carpet in our house. ALL of the carpet. (The only rooms in our house that don't have carpet are the 2 bathroom and the kitchen/dining room. It was a LOT of work, but definitely worth it. This is going to make me sound like a complete dork, but there's nothing better than dumping out all of that dirty water and thinking, "this is not in my carpet anymore!!!" That's my favorite part. I kind of enjoy shampooing carpets, when I don't have to move the furniture, that is. I did have to move it this time, though. That was the bad part. Taylor and I moved every piece of furniture (excluding the huge bookcase and the huge desk) out of every room. We even took apart the bed in our bedroom and moved it and our dressers out. But, hey, the carpet's clean!

School's back in full swing now. Most people started back today, but I've been going since last Tuesday, suckas! No fair. Actually, we got out a week earlier than everyone else, so it does make sense. It's going well so far, though. I'm getting to that point in the year when the Benchmark is coming up in April, and I still feel like we're NOT ready! There's so much left to cover, and it wouldn't hurt to practice what we've already done...blah. Ugh. I know I shouldn't worry about that stupid test, but so much rides on it. Okay! I'm not going to stress over it. We'll do fine.

I think I hear Grey's Anatomy calling my name. (I got the first 2 seasons for Christmas/birthday and I've been devouring them!) It won't be as long till I post next time as it was last time! I promise!