Crockpot or Buffalo?

I had plans for today. I did. But, they all fell through. It's kinda funny, actually. My workshop in PB? Didn't go. I woke up, got ready, and left the house on time. But I wasn't thinking and started driving to school, which is not the quickest way to get to PB. So, I turned around and went back. THEN, after driving about 15 minutes I realized that I was out of gas and couldn't make it to the next gas station. So I had to turn around AGAIN and get gas. By that time, it was already about 7:30, and my wkshop started at 8. I just decided not to go! Which was kind of exciting, because I NEVER do things like that. So I crawled back into bed and slept till 1. Ha!
Next plan that fell through? The cleaning mission. We didn't step foot in "the room" today. One more week with a messy room won't kill me. (Funny story...last night, after reading about the super-messy room in my house that we were going to clean, Suzanne asked me, "Now, which room are you talking about?" Sad, huh? I have more than one super-messy room that needs cleaning in my house. It was really funny.) So, that didn't get done.
Failed mission #3. Taylor was going to study for a test that he has Monday today. He hasn't even LOOKED at a book yet, and I don't think he's going to.
So, you may be thinking, what DID Lee Ann do all day? Good question, and I'll tell you the answer. Taylor and I found a place to go on our anniversary trip! Whew! It took 4 hours and lots of work, but we did it. We hunkered down at the internet in the shop and looked nonstop until we found something. We were thinking of a cabin, but it seemed that every place we really agreed on was either booked up or $348 dollars a night! (Really - the place I wanted turned out to be $348/night!!! That hurts just thinking about it!) We searched and searched...endless websites describing "rustic" cabins, trying to convince innocent internet surfers like us to stay at their establishments. Some were very convincing, actually, like the cabin that listed a crock pot as one of it's ammenities. The one with the shower with a heart shaped entrance and a copper floor was pretty tempting, as was the "old west saloon" style cabin with a bed "that appears to be hanging from the ceiling by chains!" and with a four foot buffalo in the living room. Wow. So what did we finally decide on, after hours of deliberation? We're staying at the Lake DeGray lodge. I'm just glad to have made a decision! I think we'll have a good time.
Time for my positive things - the whole cabin hunt was a fun experience, looking back on it. We're playing Scrabble tonight! I love Scrabble. I guess that's it. Life is good.
Don't feel guilty about "the room"! Every house we've lived in so far has had "a room"! But here's the upside: it's gotten better as we've moved. In fact, in PB we actually got the whole thing cleaned up. But then we moved again. This time we had 2 rooms! But we cleaned one up on Monday. We didn't really have much of a's going to be the nursery! But, alas, the other room still sits cluttered with boxes we haven't even unpacked yet! Congrats on picking out an anniversary spot. Shaun and I have never been anywhere on our anniversary yet. That's the bad thing about getting married at Christmas time. Plus I married a minister so we're always broke! Hopefully we'll get one this year...unless we can't bear to leave the baby with parents yet! Or maybe he'll go with us. Who knows!
10:36 PM
Ahh.. Lake Degray ROCKS!! Have a great time! I'm not sure if I'd have chosen that though... how did you pass up the bed that's hanging by chains? That's awesome!
Thanks for kicking our butts at Scrabble. I can't believe Clayton and I came in dead last! We so would've won if you and the Parkers weren't such cheaters... what kind of a word is 'dink' anyway? Uh-Hu.. I know your kind...
2:22 PM
Oh, a girl after my own heart. I love Scrabble also and Donald hates it. It's not so challenging playing against Loryn or Dalton, so I don't play often. We'll have to play sometime.
9:19 PM
Thank you so much!!!
10:52 PM
Hey Lee Ann...I just discovered your blog. You crack me you think you will have gotten enough sleep by the time you start back to Just curious.
8:58 PM
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