Need input!

Taylor and I watched a old movie last night. Short Circuit. Anybody seen it? Anyway, the robot in the movie kept saying, "Need input!", and that's what I'm needing today! I'm trying to figure out a good women's bible study to do, and I need input. I've chosen a few that I think might be good, but let me know what you think! Here are the links.
"Esther: Becoming a Woman God Can Use" by Traci Mullins (Women of Faith series)
"Believing God" by Beth Moore
"Finding Joy" by Traci Mullins (Women of Faith series)
Check out the links and let me know which of these three you would like the most, or make other suggestions! Thanks!
Well, I've never actually done any of those Bible studies but I have heard that Believing God is awesome. I have another suggestion, however. Our ladies in Pine Bluff went through Elizabeth George's "A Woman After God's Own Heart" last year and it is incredible. It was a life-changing study for me. It is a study that focuses on helping us to become Godly women (duh) by targeting different aspects of our lives as women, such as being a Godly wife, mother (this is good for future reference), homemaker, prayer warrior, etc. She's very practical as well. We're going to go through it up here in Lavaca, too. Probably next spring. Oh, another study I just finished is Priscilla Shirer's (Tony Evan's daughter) "He Speaks to Me". This is a 6 week study. She has awesome analogies. Anyway, these are good to keep in mind, even if you don't want to do them right away. If you have any questions, let me know!
10:42 PM
I have heard that Beth Moore is good but I kind of like the desciption of the Finding Joy. Not much help sorry.
12:33 AM
Hi Lee Ann!! I have been meaning to post, but haven't yet. I really enjoy keeping up with you guys through the blog. Happy Anniversary!!! I'm glad you guys had fun.
I really like Beth Moore. I did a devotional study of hers and read one of her books and loved both of them.
I hope to get my own blog going within the month...I'll let you know.
8:40 AM
Ditto on the Beth Moore route... I've heard nothing but good things of her and her books so I'd imagine that's a 'safe' on to pick
12:52 PM
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