"Keep on the sunny side of life."

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Spring Break Diaries - Day 2

So I was a little worried yesterday. It was my first official day of spring break. My plans were to get up early with Taylor and go work out (which I did!) and then go back home and sleep a lot. I didn't do that. I used to be able to sleep anywhere, anytime, but yesterday, I just wasn't sleepy! I kept thinking, "What's happening to me?!?!?!?" Today, though, my faith in myself was restored. I slept till noon. Ah. That's more like it. It's not spring break unless you have at least one day sleeping till noon. :)

Thursday I'm off to Canton with my mom and my aunt (her sister). I haven't decided yet if I'm going to accompany them every day to Canton (they're hotel is 45 miles away...everything closer was booked up!) or just stay in and relax. I know I'm going to go at least one day, cause I've never been to Canton before. But after that, who knows. You see, there are several things convincing me to just stay in the rest of the time. 1)I have no money. Why go to the mother of all shopping centers for three days in a row if you have no money to spend? That's just asking for heartache. 2)My mom and aunt. They are SERIOUS shoppers - the exact opposite of me. I can only take a couple of hours of shopping...maybe. If they're going shopping, they're going SHOPPING. I mean ALL DAY - sun up to sun down, or past sun down, actually. And I'm just not crazy about walking around shopping for that long - especially if I have no money to spend! 3)I bet you anything our hotel room will have cable, something which I do not have at home. TV!
I guess we'll see. I am looking foward to spending time with my family though - I really love hanging out with them.

Hope everybody else is having a nice, relaxing week!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Spring Break!

Spring break! Spring break! Spring break! I love SPRING BREAK!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Boring post alert!

Well, I guess it's about time for another post. How long has it been since the last one? Not yet a week, right? At least I'm doing a little better.

School's what's on my mind most this week. (What else is new, right?) It's still going strong. Testing is this week...blah. Nobody likes this week - everybody's stressed and irritable, kids and teachers alike. I'll be glad when it's over.

Next week should be a real kick - the week after testing and the week before spring break. What to do? I don't want to start anything new (spring break will push the delete button in their brains), but I have to do something! Any ideas?

Guess that's it for now. Not a very interesting post, I know. But, hey, at least I posted! Until next time...:)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

It is time...

...for Spring Break. There comes a point when you just know. It's TIME. The kids are getting on each other's nerves. I'm getting on their nerves. THEY'RE GETTING ON MY NERVES. It's time...and there are still 13 days to go. Oh, dear.

Today was the first day this year (thank the Lord!) that I've really lost my cool. It happened all the time last year. I had an especially feisty group of kiddos last year, and I just let some of them get to me! This year, however, has been much calmer. I don't know if the kids are better or if I'm just better at dealing with it, but I've kept my cool for most of the year. I've been pretty proud of myself.

My calm demeanor crashed and burned today, though. All week long it's been building up. The kids have been arguing with each other, and that really wears on your nerves, listening to it day after day. Today they decided to argue with ME, which is not cool. Oooh!!! I was so mad! Sometimes you just let anger get the better of you, you know? I'm not a parent, but I know enough parents and I've heard enough stories...I can imagine that this would be somewhat like what a parent feels when they lose their temper with their child. I lost it with my 22 children today! After my little meltdown, I felt so terrible. I kept thinking, "I could've handled it a better way." "I should've have done this instead." "I let them get to me...why did I let them get to me?"

Oh well. It's over and done now, I can't change it. Tomorrow's a new day, right? Only 13 more to go!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Hi again!

So, I took a little sabbatical from the blog world. I just wanted everybody to be sure to see the post about Lou's shower. :) What have I been doing these past two weeks, you say? Lots of work. Lots of Pampered Chef with Tay. Lots of visiting with family. Good stuff. Speaking of family, I have a few family updates:

1. Rosie and Phillip are coming this week!!! I'm so excited! They survived the terrible tornados in Alabama, although several people they know were affected. Keep their community in your prayers.

2. Nathan (Taylor's brother) has a blog! The first post is great...check it out!

3. Amy (Nathan's wife) finds out whether they're having a girl or boy Wednesday. How exciting!!!

That's it for now. Hopefully it won't be two weeks till you hear from me again!