1. I am 23 years old.
2. My birthday is 2 days after Christmas...what a rip off! I always get fewer presents and a joint Christmas/Birthday party.
3. I have been married 1 year and almost 1 month.
4. I am the middle child.
5. I have 2 sisters.
6. Both of my sisters are married; one has a son. (Josh!)
7. I am a teacher, about to start my second year teaching 6th grade.
8. I graduated 4th in my class from Warren High School.
9. I made a 30 on my ACT.
10. I went to college at UCA for one semester, then transferred to OBU.
11. I graduated in 4 years (BARELY!!!)
12. My first roommate at OBU and I were best friends in kindergarden.
13. I love reading.
14. This summer I have read at least 15 books.
15. I love watching movies.
16. The last movie I saw in the theater was Superman Returns.
17. I love babies, but I don't want to have one yet!
18. In my close circle of friends, Taylor and I are the only couple without children. (Besides Rosie and Phillip, but they don't live here anymore...)
19. My words of wisdom for today...NEVER paint a room bright orange. Just trust me.
20. I have a kitty named Banjo.
21. I love glazed donuts, not ANY other kind.
22. I didn't like coffee until I started going out with Taylor.
23. Like Brittany, I have never seen any of the Star Wars movies.
24. Unlike Brittany, I would love to see them all!
25. One of my goals for this summer was to have a Star Wars marathon...I'd better get on it!
26. I am a list person.
27. I made a list of my goals for this summer (I know...I'm a nerd), and I have accomplished all except for #25 and one other one (make another quilt...or at least sew SOMETHING)!
28. My husband is an AMAZING cook.
29. I am not. I can cook, but nowhere near as well as Taylor can.
30. I have had diabetes for almost 12 years.
31. Taylor and I dated almost 3 years before we got married.
32. I only had 1 boyfriend before Taylor, and we dated 2 years.
33. I had a crush on another guy when I met Taylor.
34. Taylor and I had never lived in the same town when we got married.
35. One of my pet peaves is when people try to sing the words to songs they don't know. Learn the song FIRST, THEN sing.
36. I don't know how to sew, but I made a quilt last summer.
37. I painted my bathroom today, and it ended up a disaster.
38. I do not like tea...sweet, unsweet, hot, iced...none of it!
39. I love tomatoes! I can eat one like an apple. With salt.
40. I lose my keys or lock them in my car very frequently.
41. I was born in Warren and lived there until I moved to Conway for college.
42. I've never been out of the country, but I would LOVE to go!
43. Taylor and I went to Maine on our honeymoon.
44. I have been to New York City 3 times. It's okay, but I have no desire to live there.
45. Places I would love to visit: Montana (Taylor says it's gorgeous!), San Antonio, St. Louis, Yellowstone, The Mempis Zoo, The Pacific Ocean, Seattle (again, Taylor's recommendation), Niagara Falls.
46. I HATE crunchy bugs! Water bugs and cicadas are the WORST!!!
47. I have driven 5 cars in my life: A Buick LaSabre, a Pontiac Grand Am (and OLD one), a Pontiac Bonneville, a Toyota Corolla, and now a Toyota Camry.
48. I do NOT have a good driving record.
49. I got my first ticket the first month I had my driver's license.
50. I have gotten 12 tickets in my 7 years of driving.
52. I have had two wrecks where I totalled my car...the Buick in high school, and my Corolla in college.
53. I have had MANY "fender bender" accidents...none with other vehicles, though. I've run over a bicycle in my front yard, hit my mailbox, hit a sign on our road, hydroplaned on the interstate in Bryant...it's amazing that I'm still alive.
54. My bad driving started when I was about 10. The first time I drove the riding lawn-mower, I ran over Mom's rose bush and hit the house.
55. Since my last wreck (a year and a half ago) I have not gotten a ticket or had a wreck!!! I've turned over a new leaf!
56. My favorite childhood book is The Pokey Little Puppy.
57. I used to play school with Rose Anne when we were little...I liked being the teacher, but it didn't always work out that way.
58. The first C I ever got was in college...I thought I was going to die. But then I came to my senses and got over it!
59. My first semester at college I overslept for a final. This was the professor who said, "If you're even 5 minutes late for my class, don't bother coming in." I woke up at 8:05, and the final started at 8. I lived off campus, so I had to wake up my roommate and have her drive me in the rain to school, then I had to run across the expansive lawn IN THE RAIN. I was crying and begged my professor, as quietly as I could with the WHOLE class watching, to let me take the final. He did. It was one of the worst moments in my life.
60. I love flying. I've flown about 5 times in my lifetime.
61. The only thing I DON'T like about flying...turbulence. It freaks me out!
62. My favorite place in the world - my bed, under the covers, with something to read.
63. In our first year of marriage, Taylor and I bought a house, a refrigerator, a stove, a washer, a dryer, and a car. Whew!
64. I had a dream one time that I ran my car off a cliff into water. I was down in the water for a long time, but then I saw a lion who told me it was going to be okay. I was pulled out of the water nine days later, alive. What a dream!
65. I DO NOT like confrontation.
66. Like Mandy, I am a night owl. This is not good when I have to get up for school at 6 a.m.!
67. I don't like being cold.
68. I always bring a jacket to the movies.
69. I always (if I can remember) bring a blanket in the car if Taylor (or any member of his family) is with me.
70. I am very picky about my pillow. It can't be too soft or too poofy.
71. My favorite kind of food is seafood (I love Red Lobster!) closely followed by Chinese.
72. My drink - Sonic Diet Cherry Coke.
73. My husband is SO not the person I pictured myself marrying, but he's better!
74. When my older sister first saw Taylor, she thought he was a weirdo. (It was the hair...) She thought I'd gone out of my mind!
75. Pretty much my whole family thought that, UNTIL they spent about 5 minutes with Taylor. Then they LOVED him!
76. I am very close to my extended family on both sides...aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc.
77. I took one summer class at UAM and HATED it.
78. I wasn't very popular in high school. The popular people liked me, but they never invited me to anything. (Probably because they knew I wouldn't come!)
79. I am not a party person. I'd rather be at home with a book or watching TV than out.
80. I won the spelling bee in the 5th grade.
81. When I was a junior in high school, I was in a beauty pageant...and won. I was Southeast AR Jr. Miss.(BIG surprise to me!)
82. I went to the next level (AR Jr. Miss) and lost miserably.
83. In high school I was in a singing group - we competed at the state fair and lost. (I was so glad!)
84. I was also in a band - Free Food. I was the lead singer...SO not like me! I still can't believe I did that. It was fun though.
85. I knew my sister's (Rosie's) husband before she did.
86. When Rosie started going to school at UAM, Phillip (jokingly) told me he was going to date her. I was like, "OKAY!!!"
87. I secretly knew they would get married all along.
88. I am in love with another man besides my husband...Josh, my nephew! He's adorable!
89. I've never played organized sports.
90. The only "team" I've been on is choir and quiz bowl.
91. The only time I had a really bad relationship with my parents was in high school...I'd made a habit of coming home real late (past curfew) from dates and they DID NOT like that.
92. I have worked as a babysitter, a tomato packer, a receptionist, and a deputy circuit clerk in the court house. Oh, and a teacher.
93. I love figure skating and rhythmic gymnastics.
94. When I was in elementary school, a snake stuck it's head out of hole at the end of our driveway and smiled at me. Really!!! (My dad didn't believe me either.) It FREAKED me out!
95. I am not typing this at my own house.
96. I used to take piano lessons, but I haven't played in years.
97. I have worn glasses/contacts since the 5th grade.
98. I like fried green tomatoes.
99. I almost had a nervous breakdown planning my wedding. I am NEVER having another one!
100. I am SOOOO glad I'm done typing this list!
I tag Taylor and Rosie!!!