"Keep on the sunny side of life."

Monday, July 24, 2006

For Jerry (again...and everyone else, too)

Why, yes, Jerry. I would love to list the lists that I love! Glad that you mentioned it!

Here is a list of the lists that I have made in the past week.

1. shopping list (on the last one was paint and several food items)

2. a list of baby items that Betsy needs

3. a list of baby items bought for Betsy

4. a list of things that take away my joy (joy-busters)

5. a list of things that give me joy!

6. a list of things the women in our Bible study can do to combat joy-busters

7. a list of scriptures that I read and liked

8. a list of things I need to do before school starts again

9. a list of workshops that I have registered for in the coming year

10. This list!

Okay. Quick confession time. Most of the lists I make on a daily basis are in my head. Everybody does that, right? I just like to get my thoughts organized. When I have lots of lists in my head, then I transfer them to paper. All of the lists on this lists are actual paper lists, though. To be honest, I may be tiring of the list thing for now. I think the list thing, like the crazy dream thing, may make occassional surprise appearances on the blog, but won't be a constant feature. Sorry to any who were excited about my new list theme! (Yeah, right. Like anyone was excited about THAT.)

(Just a little bit of trivia...
# of times I used the word "list" in this blog: 23!)


Blogger McDreamy said...

i still love the list thing! awesome.

8:49 PM

Blogger Mandy said...

Still cracking me up!! It was funny to me how many of the same lists I've made this week!

3:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

12:28 AM


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