Time for a new trick!

Everyone who knows me and Taylor know that we love our cat. His name is Banjo, and he's the best cat in the world. Before I get to the actual point of this post (yes, there is one) let me fill you in on how Banjo came to be our kitty. Taylor and I had just gotten married, and we were living in duplex downtown. Taylor walked to work then. (as he still does...we're one car-ing it, and Taylor is sweet enough to let me use the car during the day. Good thing we live less than a mile from JQP!) One day walking home on his lunch break, Taylor heard the pitiful, heart-wrenching cry of a kitten! Under a car! He came home and told me about it, and I was concerned, of course! I didn't really want a pet, but a tale of an abandoned kitten in the hot summer with no food or drink is too much to ignore! We immediately got a bowl of milk and drove to where Taylor had heard the kitten. We saw him under a bush in front of a building (on a busy street...everyone and their brother saw us, I think.) We got out and crouched down next to the bushes he was hiding in. He drank the milk, but wouldn't let us get close to him. He got scared and ran away, so we had to give up. Anyway, later that evening, Taylor and I decided to go for a walk. We walked past where we had seen the kitty earlier, and we saw him! Skin and bones, no bigger than one of Taylor's tennis shoes. He was so sweet!!! We raced back home for a bowl of milk and back to Banjo. He lapped it up, and again we tried to get close enough to pick him up, but he was so scared he ran away every time we got close. After about an hour, we gave up. We were walking back home and I turned around to say something to Taylor, and I saw the kitten! He was following us, meowing like crazy! He followed us all the way home! It took us about another hour to actually get him in the house, but we succeeded. And Banjo has been part of the family ever since.
Banjo is all grown up now (actually, he's still kinda small, but we don't talk about it. He's a little sensitive), and he can do all kinds of tricks! Like climb on top of the door for a treat and fetch. Yep. He's pretty talented. However, I think it's time to teach our wonderful kitty a new trick. When I saw this video on youtube, my mind was made up. Banjo, you'd better get ready for some training, boy! I'm going to have you talking in no time!
"Banjo's Future Trick"
That is so sweet. That so sounds like Michael and I. Well, maybe just me, but he would go along with me to feed it. Most of our cats were strays. In fact our latest (who lives with my brother), was found in the top of tree behind Exxon in Hamburg. He was crying. Michael thought it was a bird and I said it was a cat. Needless to say I won that argument and now my brother has a beautiful solid white cat.
12:37 AM
I think they are fun to try and catch, but you need to practice catch and release so future generations will have strays to chase. Good luck with teaching Banjo to talk. I'll believe those weren't cleverly fabricated videos when I hear banjo.
12:45 AM
i had forgotten that story. but it did make me remember that taylor said, "we need a cat with a story." i love it!
4:04 AM
what a sweet story! You rescued him like we rescued Major! I firmly believe that when we 'stumble' upon pets like that that God put them there for us. That's why they end up being PERFECT for our families! (except that Major is teething and is destroying anything and everything outside lol) He's grown so much since that pic!! Don't worry, he'll definitley fatten up as he grows older... at least all of our pets have :)
11:57 AM
That is a great story! No wonder you love him so much!
12:48 PM
That link just furthers my belief that cats are demonic!!!!
1:31 PM
Please update!
4:34 PM
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
3:36 AM
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
8:45 AM
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