What a weekend!

Taylor and I saw Superman Returns last night. It was pretty good. Not the BEST movie I've ever seen, but definitely not the worst. And I must say, this new Superman is pretty dang cute! Not the best actor, but his looks made up for it. Another movie I saw this weekend...Eight Below. Same with that one. It was good, but not the best. Probably better than Superman, though, because of the dogs! I love movies like that, because I can make up my own dialogue between the dogs...sounds stupid, but it's really fun. I watched it with my aunt and mom, and we were rolling with laughter!
So let me update you on the goings on of my weekend. Saturday I went to Conway with Taylor. He and Nathan videoed a wedding, while I flitted off to my sister's house and played with Josh! He walked almost the WHOLE time I was there. I still can't believe it. Then, after driving back home, I went to my mom's house (to hang with my parents and aunt) while Taylor took reunion photos until MIDNIGHT!!! Talk about a dedicated employee. Sunday, we didn't have church cause a lot of families were at Journey's first annual Family Camp. (I think it's annual...is it?) Anyway, we, along with all 5 of the Parkers, helped Amanda G. get packed up and out of Monticello. We started at 8, and by the time we finished at 11, we were exhausted! Taylor and I came home and took the LONGEST NAP EVER! It was great. Taylor usually won't take naps with me (he's one of those weird people who prefer being awake), so it was a rare treat for me! We slept...ready for this...5 hours! Wow. Then we went and ate supper with the Parkers and it was off to Superman!
This morning, I kept Abby and Lilly. Those girls are too cute! We had a blast. We watched tv and painted and played with Jonah, Noah, and Grace and ate grapes. It was really fun, but once again, exhausting! How do you mothers do it?!?! I'm telling you, I really need to prepare myself when I get ready to have a kid. Like, I need to go into training or something! Every time I keep kids, even though I have a great time, I'm exhausted afterward! It's really weird. I've said this before, but I do admire mothers. It's a tough job!
Speaking of tough jobs, Taylor and I are going to clean out our attic tonight. That should be fun. (NOT!)
Positive things. Rosie Slaughter is in a car on her way here! I'm so ready to spend the week with her! Be looking for her blog soon. I think I'm going to help her set one up this week!
In my experience, keeping other people's children is MUCH more exhausting than keeping your own! :) I think because you're only with them for a short time if they're not yours, so you cram a lot of fun into a short period of time.. that is draining! And having ONE child is no biggie.. I think back and can't remember what I used to do with all the free time I must have had when madison was a baby. ;) Oh, I'm with Taylor.. I'd rather be awake too! Can't wait for Rosie's blogg!! Will she be coming to group Wednesday?
2:43 PM
Glad you had a great or should I say busy weekend. Tell Rose hi for us. We will be looking for her blog.
4:02 PM
Let me get this straight. You flitted to your sisters house?
I didn't know you could flit.
Come to think of it, I don't even know what flitted means. I wonder if I have ever flitted and just didn't realize I was flitting. Is someone who flits a flitter? Lets all get together some time and just flit off somewhere.
Well, it's getting late . . .
I have to flit,
8:46 PM
I don't know, Mandy, they're pretty much exhausting me right now too. I'm with Lee Ann - it's by the grace of God we make it through the days :)
The girls love you Lee Ann, thanks for helping us out!
3:55 PM
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