"Keep on the sunny side of life."

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Adios internet

Well, the internet at my house has gone bye-bye. It's very sad. So I'm going to have to go to somebody's else's house and mooch off of their internet service in order to make my posts, like I'm doing now. I'm at Suzi P.'s house. I love the Parkers. I think I could use their internet as much as I wanted and they'd still like me. Ah, friends.

So today I feel like my summer break has REALLY started. Yesterday and today I had dreaded doctor's appointments, and those are over now! Yipee!!! Now that's all over with, and I have nothing else to do this week! I went over to Journey this morning to help Suzanne watch her boys and girl while she worked on the kids stuff. Then we went to WalMart and came back here to eat lunch. My big plans for today? Nada! I think I'm going to go lay in the tanning bed, maybe watch a movie at the house or read a book, go work out, and then tonight go to a movie with Taylor. I just love summer.

Positive things - both of my doctor's appointments worked out well. (Actually, one of them I got to skip completely, which was REALLY cool.) I got a new phone cover for my phone - it's cute. AND I get to sleep late tomorrow!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Taylor's glazed!

You Are a Glazed Donut

Okay, you know that you're plain - and you're cool with that.
You prefer not to let anything distract from your sweetness.
Your appeal is understated yet universal. Everyone dig you.
And in a pinch, you'll probably get eaten.

After I did my donut ID, I decided to let Taylor do his. And guess what? He's glazed!!! Which makes perfect sense, since I LOVE glazed! And Taylor loves Boston Cremes, so that's cool. We're perfect for eachother. Duh. ;)


You Are a Boston Creme Donut

You have a tough exterior. No one wants to mess with you.
But on the inside, you're a total pushover and completely soft.
You're a traditionalist, and you don't change easily.
You're likely to eat the same doughnut every morning, and pout if it's sold out.

This is so funny to me. Tough exterior?! I don't think so. Everything else is so true, though. I am a mega-traditionalist. If things change, I don't know what to do. It freaks me out. I really need to get over that. Also, I would eat the same donut every time if I could - plain glazed style. I HATE Boston Creme donuts! Too much of a good thing. Yuck! This was fun. Thanks, Kristy, for putting it on your blog so I could copy!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

I miss my sis! (and Phillip too)

Well, we're back from good ole AL. Alabama reminded me a lot of AR. The crazy humidity, the blistering heat, the weirdo weather - raining one minute, sunshiny the next. I think Rose and Phillip will feel right at home there.

Several people commented wanting me to tell them about Phil's new job, so I'm just going to post about it. He's a youth minister at Camden Baptist Church in Camden, Alabama. Camden reminds me so much of Warren, and their church reminds me so much of the church we grew up at in Warren. Everybody was so nice and genuine - ready and willing to help. When we got there, there was a fresh loaf of bread waiting for us in the kitchen of the house Rose & Phillip are renting. The next morning when we started unpacking, people from church showed up and helped us - it was amazing! We got the bulk of it done in about 30 - 40 minutes. Their landlord - a really sweet old lady who lives across the street - came over and met us, as did the pastor and his family. More neighbors who also go to the church invited us over for grilled hamburgers that night. I was just really loving all the generosity and service I saw from these people. Rose and Phillip are going to fit right in. The neighbors whose house we went to for supper are amazing. I was glad my mom went and got to meet these people - especially the woman, Donna. I think mom feels a lot better about leaving Rose there now because Donna's going to watch out for her. Suzanne P. - when I met Donna I thought of you! They have 5 kids, and LOVE it! Their kids are 11, 12, 17, 18, and 20. 3 boys and 2 girls. She is the sweetest woman, and she reassured mom that they would take Rose in like their own. I could tell mom was really relieved. I know it's got to be hard for her - her baby moving 6 hours away. It makes me tear up again thinking about it. I'm glad we're not going to be there tomorrow to see them say goodbye. Man - tough. Anyway - I am so peaceful now about where Rose and Phillip are, and I think God is going to use them in great ways there. I'm going to miss them terribly, but it makes it easier knowing that they're in a place like that.

Positive things about today. I was with my family for most of the day. Also, Taylor and I had a good time driving the 6 hours back from Camden. Ask us about it if you see us - funny stories there. Plus - holiday tommorow! Sleep! No work!

Before I leave - I must take care of something. I'm officially declaring a truce between myself and the Civic. It took wonderful care of us this weekend. So, there you go. No more derogatory comments about the standard. I love it now...okay, maybe not LOVE, but I like it.

Friday, May 26, 2006


This is my fourth attempt to post this morning. I'm at school, and although I'm probably not supposed to be doing this at school, I don't have anything else to do. Today's our last day, and I've already cleaned my room and checked out with my principal. I have to stay until 3:00 though! So, here I am.

What's on my mind today? I think I'm just going to make a list of the random things I've thought about so far today. This should be interesting...

1. I just got a new computer desk in my room, and I really like it.

2. Yesterday, I got new contacts. I can see again! My eyes are really bad, and since last year, my prescription has gotten worse. Anyway, It's great!

3. Rosie and Phillip are moving today. Sad! When I'm done with school today, Taylor and I are going to head over to AL to be with them on their first weekend. Mom and Dad are going too. I have mixed feelings about them leaving. I'm going to miss them a lot, but they are SO excited about Phillip's new job, and I know they're going to be great at it. So I'm really excited for them too. It's just going to take some getting used to. I've never had a family member live any farther away than a few hundred miles.

4. Taylor and I had some of his family over to the house last night. It was really fun. My amazing husband cooked "breakfast" for everyone. I am amazed every time he cooks. He should really open a restaurant or something. Last night, he made an egg sandwich, but not a normal one. He cut a whole out of the bread before putting it in the frying pan, and he fried the egg in the bread. Then he cut up some ham and browned it a little. Last of all, he put it all together with velveeta cheese. MMMMMMM!!! It was SOOOO good. He is a master chef. Rachael Ray, watch out! ;)

5. I love my ipod. Really.

6. I noticed again this morning (this is something that happens pretty frequently) I can't listen to music and focus on something else at the same time - like posting on a blog, for instance. My brain just won't do it! When I listen to music, I really pay attention to the words, and if I'm doing that, I can't write! It's crazy.

7. I wish I had some chocolate. Or chocolate milk - now that would be good.

8. I'm really paranoid now about making mistakes! Thanks a lot Suzi and Kathy (Whom I'm sorry to say, was the real culprit in catching my spelling mistake. I thought we were friends, Kathy? What's up with that? ;)) Anyway, this is the THIRD time I've gone back and edited something. Either I put a comma somewhere where it's not supposed to be, or I misspelled a word. This is making me even MORE of a perfectionist!

9. I guess 9 things is all that I've thought today. Oh well, it's only 10:00.

That's it! Positive stuff - (to be said in the style of Nemo) LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! That's the main one for today. One more thing before I go. Please think about me this weekend - I'm going to be in the standard-Honda (a.k.a my arch nemesis) the WHOLE weekend. Taylor's driving everywhere.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Hold your horses, Control-freak Woman!

So I got my answer to the car question. And it happened not even 30 minutes after I prayed the other night...pretty cool, huh? I meant to write about it last night, but I wasn't able to. Here's the deal. I don't think it's bad that I want a car. What's bad about it is how we've been trying to manipulate and twist stuff around to MAKE it happen. We've been trying to control the situation. Which is very typical of me. I am a super-control freak. I didn't realize this about myself until I became a teacher. I suspected it, but it's undeniable now. I've really been this way all my life. If something looks like it's not going to work out the way I want it to, I want to work and tweak and adjust everything until I find a way to make it work. Notice, I said until I find a way. It's always been hard for me to completely trust that God will take care of it. I want a backup plan! A safety net! I mean, what if I fall? What if things don't work out the way I want them to? What if, what if, what if? Seems like that's been my mantra here lately. I need to toss the "what ifs" and just realize that it's not really up to me. In a way, that relieves me. It's not my JOB to figure stuff like that out. But it's kinda scary to my alter-ego, Control-freak Woman. It reminds me of that video clip that Jeff has shown in church from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. (Love that movie, by the way.) Where Indie is trying to get to the Holy Grail and he has to cross this huge chasm but it looks like there's no walkway? He has to just step out on faith, and it just shows up. I want to be like that. I think I am becoming like that. So, I'm going to step out on faith and let God take care of the car situation. I mean, it's not like it's a life or death situation and the clock is ticking. He's taken care of us, and He'll continue doing it. I'm not worried about that. I just really want a car. And I want to give Big Bonnie back to her rightful owners. But I think God's telling me to just hang on for a few minutes...or weeks...or months. (Oh, I hope it's not months!) I'm going to do it, though. I'm going to stop trying to control the situation and let God handle it. I know it'll work out better when I do this, anyway.

Positive things about today? Where do I begin? I'm loving doing this every day. It really does make me much happier, actively realizing how blessed I am and actually getting it all down on paper...well, not paper really, but you get the idea. First thing for today, I got a humongous bonus check at work! It's not like a million dollars or anything, but it's almost equal to a month's paycheck for me. And the school just decided they wanted to give it to us because we work so hard. That's the truth! So, that makes me REALLY happy. Thank you, God! Next, tomorrow's the last day I see the little angels who have been in my class this year. After that, only 2 days left until my summer has begun...I can't wait!

I guess that's it for now. I'm really excited about watching American Idol tonight. I don't know who I want to win, but I'll make a prediction. I think it's going to be Katherine. We'll see tomorrow night!

Monday, May 22, 2006


I have to apologize to everyone for committing an awful crime. My wonderful, loving, older sister and mother of Josh informed me of the offense this afternoon. I, a school teacher, who, yes, teaches spelling, misspelled a word! (By the way, why the heck is misspell so hard to spell?) Instead of "nephew" I wrote "nephiew." Please forgive me. Whew. Glad I got that off my chest. Enjoy this - the shortest post I will ever make!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Lost and Toyotas

I think I'm addicted to Lost. I know this season isn't as good as the last one, but I'm still hooked! No matter how frustrated I get with the show, I still have to get my fix every week. I just watched the one from last Wednesday with Taylor, and I'm pondering all the Lost questions. Who's in the boat? Is Michael really going to betray those 4 and hand them over to the Others? What kinds of tests were they giving Walt? Is Ms. Clue that woman's real name? (Kinda weird.) Where's the monster thing...Taylor just reminded me that we haven't seen him in a while. Is Charlie going to build the church and get back together with Claire? Ah...I love it. I know lots of people are seriously disappointed with it, but I'm a loyal fan. I'm going to stick with it to the end.

I should talk about something else besides Lost though. Church was today, and it was really good. Really convicting. Jeff talked about our desires, something that completely spoke to me. He asked us to think about what we really desire in life. It makes me really think about the things I desire. This is one I'm going to have to think on more this week. I mean, right off the bat (and this is what I thought of this morning), I know that an immediate desire I have is for a new car. So, here's my question. Is that bad? I mean, I know it's materialistic and kinda selfish, but then there's the fact that we don't have one - of our own. We're borrowing, switching every week between my parents' (Big Bonnie) and Taylor's dad's car (if the devil were a car, this car would be him. It's a standard, and I tried to learn it, but...long story.) So, is desiring a new car bad? I'm guessing not, as long as that's not ALL I desire and it doesn't consume me. Right? I don't know. (Here's the rambling I was warning y'all about.) Anyway, I don't know what I'm trying to get across tonight. But I know what I got out of this morning. I just need to give it over to God. I need to write "new car" on one of those little rocks and put it in the big glass cup. If I'm honest with myself, I have to admit that it has been consuming me for about the past week. I just want it so bad! You guys surely know what I'm talking about. Anyway, one thing in particular that Jeff said this morning got to me. He said something like have we ever thought that when we don't get something we want, instead of twisting things and manipulating things (something that I hate to say I am an expert at) to get our way, have we ever though of just going to God and saying, "Okay, this isn't working. Show me another way, then. Or show me that you don't want me to desire this." So that's what I'm going to do. God, the whole new car thing isn't working out so well. Please show us another way. Or show me that this desire is not what you want for me. That's going to be my prayer all week. We'll see what happens. I really believe that God's going to show me something about this - I wonder what He's going to say, to do? I'll let you guys know.

Alright, positive stuff about today. First - the countdown has begun. T minus 5 days and counting. (What's with the whole t-minus thing, anyway? What does it mean? If anyone knows, please fill me in.) 5 more days of school! Also, we went to the Parkers for lunch today, which was really fun. Another thing - I was washing clothes today and found one of my nephiew Josh's shirts. Somehow it got into my bag the last time I stayed at my sister's house. It just reminded me what a sweetie he is. I love that little man! Seeing that shirt just made me so thankful for him. God really knew what he was doing when he blessed our family with him.

That's about all for tonight. I think I should work on shorter posts.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

June and I agree.

Okay, a little post script thing to my previous post here. I knew I'd heard that phrase before, keep on the sunny side of life. And it occurred to me after I made my blog that it was a song. So I went on a quest for the lyrics. Turns out that it IS a song, and lots of different people sing it, including June Carter Cash. I read the lyrics, and they pretty much sum up my whole "sunny side up" thing. So (drumroll please) "Keep on the Sunny Side" is going to be the official song of the "Sunny Side Up" blog! I'll let you read the lyrics for yourself.

Well there's a dark and a troubled side of life.
There's a bright and a sunny side too.
But if you meet with the darkness and strife,
The sunny side we also may view.

Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side,
Keep on the sunny side of life.
It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way,
If we keep on the sunny side of life.

Oh, the storm and its fury broke today,
Crushing hopes that we cherish so dear.
Clouds and storms will in time pass away.
The sun again will shine bright and clear.

Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side,
Keep on the sunny side of life.
It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way,
If we'll keep on the sunny side of life.

Let us greet with a song of hope each day.
Though the moments be cloudy or fair.
Let us trust in our Saviour always,
To keep us, every one, in His care.

Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side,
Keep on the sunny side of life.
It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way,
If we'll keep on the sunny side of life.

If we'll keep on the sunny side of life.

There you have it! I have a blog song!

What's with the name?

I've caved in and made myself a blogger. What now? I'm sitting here at my hubby's computer wondering what to write on my new cool blog. And I'm drawing a blank. Maybe I have writer's block. Okay...let's brainstorm.

Maybe I should explain the name of my blog. I'm really bad at coming up with fun names for stuff, like, for example, Suzanne's blog - Joyful Chaos. Cute, fun, totally paints the picture of her life. I can understand how she came up with that name. Now let's take my name. Sunny Side Up. What comes to mind when you hear that? Yep. Eggs. That's what I think about too. So, that's one reason I came up with it. I'm hungry, and eggs would be good. But, don't fear, there's a deeper, more philisophical reason besides the way I like my eggs cooked. I want this blog to help me accomplish one of my goals for myself. A few months ago I decided I really wanted to actively try to have a more positive attitude about life. It's so easy to be negative about stuff, especially for me. But that's not cool! I want to be optimistic. So, that's what this blog is for. Sure, I may complain about some stuff or be down sometimes, but I always want to try to see the silver lining by the end of the day. So, if any of you read one of my postings and notice that I've been completely negative, don't let me get away with it!

So - here's what's positive so far about today. It's Saturday! That in itself if something to thank God for. PLUS, this is the first Saturday in FOREVER that I have been home with nothing to do but relax and make a blog for myself! AND...yes, there's more!...this is my last week of school! After Friday, I'm on summer break,baby! And I am going to enjoy it!

There. I have officially made my first blog post. I feel pretty good about it. Just a warning though, to all you who will stick with me and read my postings every week. I tend to ramble a lot when I'm writing. I have a kind of a freewriting, fluid style, so you're going to have to bear with me. Hopefully, I'll get the hang of this thing. For now, peace out homies! (I've always to say that.) :)