Lost and Toyotas

I think I'm addicted to Lost. I know this season isn't as good as the last one, but I'm still hooked! No matter how frustrated I get with the show, I still have to get my fix every week. I just watched the one from last Wednesday with Taylor, and I'm pondering all the Lost questions. Who's in the boat? Is Michael really going to betray those 4 and hand them over to the Others? What kinds of tests were they giving Walt? Is Ms. Clue that woman's real name? (Kinda weird.) Where's the monster thing...Taylor just reminded me that we haven't seen him in a while. Is Charlie going to build the church and get back together with Claire? Ah...I love it. I know lots of people are seriously disappointed with it, but I'm a loyal fan. I'm going to stick with it to the end.
I should talk about something else besides Lost though. Church was today, and it was really good. Really convicting. Jeff talked about our desires, something that completely spoke to me. He asked us to think about what we really desire in life. It makes me really think about the things I desire. This is one I'm going to have to think on more this week. I mean, right off the bat (and this is what I thought of this morning), I know that an immediate desire I have is for a new car. So, here's my question. Is that bad? I mean, I know it's materialistic and kinda selfish, but then there's the fact that we don't have one - of our own. We're borrowing, switching every week between my parents' (Big Bonnie) and Taylor's dad's car (if the devil were a car, this car would be him. It's a standard, and I tried to learn it, but...long story.) So, is desiring a new car bad? I'm guessing not, as long as that's not ALL I desire and it doesn't consume me. Right? I don't know. (Here's the rambling I was warning y'all about.) Anyway, I don't know what I'm trying to get across tonight. But I know what I got out of this morning. I just need to give it over to God. I need to write "new car" on one of those little rocks and put it in the big glass cup. If I'm honest with myself, I have to admit that it has been consuming me for about the past week. I just want it so bad! You guys surely know what I'm talking about. Anyway, one thing in particular that Jeff said this morning got to me. He said something like have we ever thought that when we don't get something we want, instead of twisting things and manipulating things (something that I hate to say I am an expert at) to get our way, have we ever though of just going to God and saying, "Okay, this isn't working. Show me another way, then. Or show me that you don't want me to desire this." So that's what I'm going to do. God, the whole new car thing isn't working out so well. Please show us another way. Or show me that this desire is not what you want for me. That's going to be my prayer all week. We'll see what happens. I really believe that God's going to show me something about this - I wonder what He's going to say, to do? I'll let you guys know.
Alright, positive stuff about today. First - the countdown has begun. T minus 5 days and counting. (What's with the whole t-minus thing, anyway? What does it mean? If anyone knows, please fill me in.) 5 more days of school! Also, we went to the Parkers for lunch today, which was really fun. Another thing - I was washing clothes today and found one of my nephiew Josh's shirts. Somehow it got into my bag the last time I stayed at my sister's house. It just reminded me what a sweetie he is. I love that little man! Seeing that shirt just made me so thankful for him. God really knew what he was doing when he blessed our family with him.
That's about all for tonight. I think I should work on shorter posts.
i'm lovin' your blog! too good. i love hearing what's rattling around in your head! it's awesome stuff. don't know 'bout the t-minus thing, but i'll ask matt - he always knows cool stuff like that. keep the posts long - just like i like 'em. that's a great prayer. i think you'll find much peace this week, you're seeking Him first now, the rest will be added. i bet the josh shirt brought the biggest smile! can't relate to lost. don't watch it, but we are csi fanatics, so i get that. sorry about lunch today - i was cranky to start out with, YOU cooked lunch (awesome by the way), and i hope we didn't keep you from a nap. how was the movie? i'll move on now. sorry for staying so long! :)
10:27 PM
I for one don't think it's selfish at all to ask for a new car and want a new car. As a mother, I know that I want only the BEST for my children, and I know God wants the best for us as well! As long as we ramain truly thankful and know that everything we get is from our 'father' then I think our hearts are in the right place. :)
3:58 PM
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