"Keep on the sunny side of life."

Friday, May 26, 2006


This is my fourth attempt to post this morning. I'm at school, and although I'm probably not supposed to be doing this at school, I don't have anything else to do. Today's our last day, and I've already cleaned my room and checked out with my principal. I have to stay until 3:00 though! So, here I am.

What's on my mind today? I think I'm just going to make a list of the random things I've thought about so far today. This should be interesting...

1. I just got a new computer desk in my room, and I really like it.

2. Yesterday, I got new contacts. I can see again! My eyes are really bad, and since last year, my prescription has gotten worse. Anyway, It's great!

3. Rosie and Phillip are moving today. Sad! When I'm done with school today, Taylor and I are going to head over to AL to be with them on their first weekend. Mom and Dad are going too. I have mixed feelings about them leaving. I'm going to miss them a lot, but they are SO excited about Phillip's new job, and I know they're going to be great at it. So I'm really excited for them too. It's just going to take some getting used to. I've never had a family member live any farther away than a few hundred miles.

4. Taylor and I had some of his family over to the house last night. It was really fun. My amazing husband cooked "breakfast" for everyone. I am amazed every time he cooks. He should really open a restaurant or something. Last night, he made an egg sandwich, but not a normal one. He cut a whole out of the bread before putting it in the frying pan, and he fried the egg in the bread. Then he cut up some ham and browned it a little. Last of all, he put it all together with velveeta cheese. MMMMMMM!!! It was SOOOO good. He is a master chef. Rachael Ray, watch out! ;)

5. I love my ipod. Really.

6. I noticed again this morning (this is something that happens pretty frequently) I can't listen to music and focus on something else at the same time - like posting on a blog, for instance. My brain just won't do it! When I listen to music, I really pay attention to the words, and if I'm doing that, I can't write! It's crazy.

7. I wish I had some chocolate. Or chocolate milk - now that would be good.

8. I'm really paranoid now about making mistakes! Thanks a lot Suzi and Kathy (Whom I'm sorry to say, was the real culprit in catching my spelling mistake. I thought we were friends, Kathy? What's up with that? ;)) Anyway, this is the THIRD time I've gone back and edited something. Either I put a comma somewhere where it's not supposed to be, or I misspelled a word. This is making me even MORE of a perfectionist!

9. I guess 9 things is all that I've thought today. Oh well, it's only 10:00.

That's it! Positive stuff - (to be said in the style of Nemo) LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! That's the main one for today. One more thing before I go. Please think about me this weekend - I'm going to be in the standard-Honda (a.k.a my arch nemesis) the WHOLE weekend. Taylor's driving everywhere.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what are friends for...i'm a perfectionist also. happy last day of school!!

12:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell me about Phillip's new job

4:18 PM

Blogger Mandy said...

OH girl I know you're sad about your sis leaving.. I'd be too! Heck, I'M sad they're leaving! But yeah, also so happy for them. It is so obvious that this is God's calling for them. :)

Hooray for last day of school! I'll be posting the same thing next Friday.. that's Madison's last day and I cannot wait! So what are you going to do all summer besides have Taylor drive you around? lol

4:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You thought of nine things and didn't think of me?
What is that all about?
I mean when I woke up this morning the first person I thought of was my darling daughter-in-law . . . Lee Ann.
Now I am going to be depressed all day.
Life is hard.

4:32 PM

Blogger Brittany said...

I didn't know that Phillip got a job. Tell me about it! Oh, and I have some good news, but you have to go to my blog to find out what it is!

8:04 AM

Blogger Kristy said...

wow, so glad to see you here. i will have to link up to you when I have a chance... love it!!!!

9:21 PM


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