What's with the name?

I've caved in and made myself a blogger. What now? I'm sitting here at my hubby's computer wondering what to write on my new cool blog. And I'm drawing a blank. Maybe I have writer's block. Okay...let's brainstorm.
Maybe I should explain the name of my blog. I'm really bad at coming up with fun names for stuff, like, for example, Suzanne's blog - Joyful Chaos. Cute, fun, totally paints the picture of her life. I can understand how she came up with that name. Now let's take my name. Sunny Side Up. What comes to mind when you hear that? Yep. Eggs. That's what I think about too. So, that's one reason I came up with it. I'm hungry, and eggs would be good. But, don't fear, there's a deeper, more philisophical reason besides the way I like my eggs cooked. I want this blog to help me accomplish one of my goals for myself. A few months ago I decided I really wanted to actively try to have a more positive attitude about life. It's so easy to be negative about stuff, especially for me. But that's not cool! I want to be optimistic. So, that's what this blog is for. Sure, I may complain about some stuff or be down sometimes, but I always want to try to see the silver lining by the end of the day. So, if any of you read one of my postings and notice that I've been completely negative, don't let me get away with it!
So - here's what's positive so far about today. It's Saturday! That in itself if something to thank God for. PLUS, this is the first Saturday in FOREVER that I have been home with nothing to do but relax and make a blog for myself! AND...yes, there's more!...this is my last week of school! After Friday, I'm on summer break,baby! And I am going to enjoy it!
There. I have officially made my first blog post. I feel pretty good about it. Just a warning though, to all you who will stick with me and read my postings every week. I tend to ramble a lot when I'm writing. I have a kind of a freewriting, fluid style, so you're going to have to bear with me. Hopefully, I'll get the hang of this thing. For now, peace out homies! (I've always to say that.) :)
Congratulations on the blog! I'm so proud. Hey, since you'll be on break soon, you should come visit me! You can come help me with the nursery, hint hint! The baby will be here before I know it. I'm almost to the 3rd trimester. Well, I'm looking forward to reading your blog!
4:43 PM
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