The number one place on earth to really test your self control can be found just a couple of miles from my house. WalMart. You all know what I'm talking about. Most of the time, I go in with a list...this is what I need. This, and nothing more. I'm on a mission. I have to dodge several strategically placed obstacles along the way, tempting me to purchase a book here, a delicious holiday-decorated sugar cookie there, but most of the time my mission is successful. I make it out with what's on my list on not much more.
There are those times, however, where my will is not strong enough to resist the temptation. Like today, for instance. I went in with a list consisting of several run-of-the mill items. Milk, body wash, laundry detergent, paper towels, cereal, green beans, and a little Halloween candy for Tuesday. Simple, right? Not a chance.
I get to WalMart and park, and right away my vision is assaulted with the first challenge. Pumpkins. They've been there for weeks, and I have been strong for weeks! Today, though...Halloween candy on the brain...I think, "I need to do a little decorating for fall. I need a pumpkin!" So, I get one, choosing from the sad few that are left behind. Then, walking into WalMart, I am automatically tested again! "I can't just put a plain pumpkin on my front porch...I need flowers to go with it!" So, I get flowers. "Okay," I think. "Now to my list." I go to my list, and get everything on it, plus a few other small things. Then, my real challenge comes. Halloween candy. It is on the list, yes, but now how much I am to get. That is up to me. Dangerous. I walk down the aisle filled with bright orange, green, and black bags stuffed with candy of all kinds. I see a bag, Reese's...yes! I need those! Then I see M&Ms. It's just not Halloween without M&Ms! Bubble gum! That was my favorite thing to get when I used to trick-or-treat! On and on it went...a pitiful display of my lack of self-control. I ended up spending way too much money and getting WAAAAY too much candy. You think I would've learned from last year, when we had NOT ONE trick-or-treater and we had candy left for months. Nope. I got twice as much as last year! I'm so weak!
Sooo...if you and your family go trick-or-treating Tuesday night, be sure to stop by the James's. There's a good chance you AND your child will get an enormous handful of candy that will put other houses candy-giving to shame. Your children will love me. You will probably hate me. If you need directions, just ask!