Thanks to all of you who came by our house trick-or-treating tonight! We had a blast! We saw so many great costumes tonight...a monkey (Ashton), Mr. Incredible (Carter), a couple of princesses (Madison and Abby), a Japanese woman (Kynlee), Gwenevere (Kameryn), a karate master (Karis), and a lot of other scary kids who I don't know. :) We got rid of some of our candy, but we didn't even get close to getting rid of it all! I took a picture of how much we had after all the trick-or-treaters, but I can't post it tonight. I'll try to get it on here later.
Hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween! I'm off tomorrow to Conway to keep Josh through the weekend! I am so excited! It's been two months since I've seen him...I bet he's changed so much!
Hey sis, I finally have a new post! You should swing by and check it out. Love you and know that I am green with envy that you get to keep our little man! :)
9:24 AM
Can you believe that this was our first Halloween at home and we only had 2 trick or treaters? And they were teenagers! And they didn't even wear a costume! I wasn't very happy. Oh well, there's always next year!
11:30 AM
Thanks for giving our kiddoes candy! With it raining we only went to one other house besides yours so they wouldn't have gotten any if we didn't stop those two times! lol (we did have fun at the church though) Have fun in conway with Josh! Take pics to share!
1:06 PM
I miss you guys
11:27 PM
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