"Keep on the sunny side of life."

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Spring Break Diaries - Day 2

So I was a little worried yesterday. It was my first official day of spring break. My plans were to get up early with Taylor and go work out (which I did!) and then go back home and sleep a lot. I didn't do that. I used to be able to sleep anywhere, anytime, but yesterday, I just wasn't sleepy! I kept thinking, "What's happening to me?!?!?!?" Today, though, my faith in myself was restored. I slept till noon. Ah. That's more like it. It's not spring break unless you have at least one day sleeping till noon. :)

Thursday I'm off to Canton with my mom and my aunt (her sister). I haven't decided yet if I'm going to accompany them every day to Canton (they're hotel is 45 miles away...everything closer was booked up!) or just stay in and relax. I know I'm going to go at least one day, cause I've never been to Canton before. But after that, who knows. You see, there are several things convincing me to just stay in the rest of the time. 1)I have no money. Why go to the mother of all shopping centers for three days in a row if you have no money to spend? That's just asking for heartache. 2)My mom and aunt. They are SERIOUS shoppers - the exact opposite of me. I can only take a couple of hours of shopping...maybe. If they're going shopping, they're going SHOPPING. I mean ALL DAY - sun up to sun down, or past sun down, actually. And I'm just not crazy about walking around shopping for that long - especially if I have no money to spend! 3)I bet you anything our hotel room will have cable, something which I do not have at home. TV!
I guess we'll see. I am looking foward to spending time with my family though - I really love hanging out with them.

Hope everybody else is having a nice, relaxing week!


Blogger Lou Arnold said...

Have fun in Canton shopping or watching TV.

6:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

c'mon, taylor - get the woman a tv and some dishnetwork - the woman is actually looking forward to a hotel room for the TV!! ;)

9:26 AM

Blogger Mandy said...

Hope you girls have a great trip!! Staying in and watching tv all day would definitely be on my top 5 vacation things to do.. and I have a tv! lol Whatever you decide, have fun! :)

1:42 PM

Blogger McDreamy said...

hey i'm trying to figure out how to leave a comment without being anonymous and you're my guinea pig!

7:10 AM

Blogger McDreamy said...

if you don't post soon i'm gonna have to come down there and beat you over the head with a baby.

7:57 AM


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