"Keep on the sunny side of life."

Sunday, September 17, 2006

I Got Got

So last night I checked my email and got one about these people who had all died from spider bites! The spiders, it turned out, had been living under the lids of toilet seats in restaraunts, planes, etc. I was horrified! So I quickly sent this email to all my dear friends and family.

Oops. Today I got two emails (both from members of Taylor's family, none from mine...this will be more relevant in a minute) telling me that this is a hoax! Come on, people! I've heard of these hoaxes, but I've never actually been the victim of one. (I'm actually surprised it took this long.) Why in the world would someone waste their time making up some elaborate story about a toilet rim-dwelling spider and send it out to the world? It's just silly.

Some of you may say that it's silly that I actually believed it. Well, if you think that, then you obviously don't know me very well. I am notoriously gullible, and I believe most everything that I hear. It's not the best quality, but I've been this way for years, and I have a feeling that it's incurable. I'm especially prone to be gullible in the area of health, because (here's where the family thing comes in) my mother raised me to be very paranoid about health issues! Sorry, Mom, that I'm pinning this on you. It's not like she forced me to believe these things, but she is paranoid, and I am gradually discovering that I am becoming my mother. This is just one more piece of evidence to back up that fact.

So, now I'm way embarrassed...I never like for people to know how terribly gullible I really am. I guess I'll get over it. Worse things have happened. I apologize to anyone who got that forward from me. It's all a lie! It's terrible...I think I may never forward another email again. The world will probably be a better place because of it.


Blogger Mandy said...

If it makes you feel any better I would've believed it too... I HATE spiders. Seriously, I have a borderline phobia of spiders. (did I tell you about the one that recentely crawled onto my hand out of the bag of grapes I was reaching into.. a black widow spider?!) So.. since my grape horror story I would've for sure believed this story!

7:58 PM

Blogger Carolyn said...

I got that email too. Never even thought it might be a hoax. It COULD happpen though, don't you think. We are all prepared now.

LA, you did great this morning sharing at church!!! You are such a blessing to those who know you!!!!!

8:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believed it. Don't feel bad.


12:47 AM

Blogger Rosie said...

I never received a "hoax" email from you..Guess I'm not in your TRUE family anymore, since I live in different state! Just kidding. :) But don't feel bad. I would have believed it to. But that's probobly because we have the same mom.

8:31 AM

Blogger Sugar-n-Spice said...

okay, its been awhile since i spewed stuff out of my mouth unexpectedly from laughter. . .but it was actually rosie's line about having the same mom that cracked me up so! (weird sense of humor, i know) i love ya both! :). . . maybe i'll learn to not eat and blog at the same time!

8:18 PM

Blogger Mark W. said...

Hmm...if there's something you're more paranoid about than health issues, it's got to be the thought of people thinking that you're unconscious of your gullibility...or something like that. Funny apology post; I loved it!

BTW: The Rosemont was great. We stayed in the Somerset room...can't vouch for any of the others, but our experience, overall, was very good. I'd recommend it, at least once.

11:15 PM

Blogger Tammie S. said...

I have to admit that I got that email and also sent it out. I guess we can be gullible together. Just another thing we have in common!! BTW- I enjoyed listening to you Sunday.

5:03 PM

Blogger Jerry James said...

What a relief! Now I can stop worrying about that bite on my butt.

12:54 PM


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