"Keep on the sunny side of life."

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I had a very strange dream last night. I have this recurring dream...or nightmare, I guess...that I'm late for school. The details are always different, but I always figure out that I'm late for school at 7:55 (school starts at 8:00). In one dream, I overslept and woke up at 7:55. In another, I thought it was a holiday, but it wasn't. And I realized it at 7:55. That's kinda like the one I had last night, but not exactly.

In this dream I thought it was a holiday, so I decided to go out of town, to Conway, to see family. Next thing I know, I'm in some kind of talent show at a school. Somehow in my dream, I know I'm there to see some kids perform, but I don't know who or why. One of my old friends from high school is sitting on my right, and Taylor's on my left. In front of me is the principal of my school. We're waiting for the performance to begin when it hits me. It's not a holiday! I'm supposed to be at school at 8:00, it's 7:55, and I'm in Conway! I jump out of my seat and quickly explain the situation to Mrs. White (the principal, who happens to be sitting right in front of me), apologizing profusely. (Here's something weird...in this dream, I can remember all the other times when I've been late to school - a.k.a. my previous dreams!) I tell her I can get there in 2 hours if they can just get a sub for that long. She tells me not to worry, they can do that. As I'm leaving, Taylor walking me out, I turn around to see the talent show has turned into karaoke. And the principal has gotten up to sing a song, but she's not Mrs. White anymore. She's Whitney Houston. But she's still my principal. Weird! She starts singing "The Greatest Love of All," (yes, the one that begins, "I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way." I haven't heard that song in a LOOONNNG time, except, a couple of months ago, I sang that song at Rosie's house while we were playing a karaoke video game!) I proudly tell Taylor, "It's so cool to have Whitney Houston as my principal." Taylor walks me out, and he tried to make me drive the truck home (which is apparently ours and a stick-shift.) I refuse and end up driving the Camry.

I woke up in a panic and totally stressed out, like I do every time that I have that dream. Very strange!


Blogger McDreamy said...

i'm sorry i left you hangin', woman! the whole cleaning carpet thing was hilarious to me. that's so y'all! and matt was laughing out loud at the whitney houston dream. and i love that those are nightmares to you!! you are so funny!

8:18 AM

Blogger Jerry James said...

I don't understand it, but I like it.

12:29 PM

Blogger Sugar-n-Spice said...

i'm with suzanne,...if that's your nightmare, i'm living the wrong life! :)

2:15 PM

Blogger Mandy said...

lol those are nightmares to me too... in real life being late is something that is completely unacceptable to me so I OFTEN dream that I'm late for something! It is so stressful for me! Good for you for sticking up for yourself in your dream and refusing to drive the stick shift.. who did Taylor think he was trying to take the car and leave you driving that, hu? ;)

7:38 AM

Blogger Rosie said...

Ok, you definately have Phillip to thank for getting that stupid song in your head, he is ALWAYS singing it! :) But truly, from a psychological standpoint let me tell you what your dream means: YOu have a sub-concious desire to come visit your baby sister and play Karoke Revolution with her, but you feel that if you do, YOu may be "running late" a.k.a. get behind on things that need to be done for school, therefore disappointing your principal with your lack of efficiency. So: You should still come see me. :) And...buy me a truck with a stick shift.

10:23 AM

Blogger Jerry James said...

Let me get this straight. You had a very strange dream a couple of weeks ago?

12:03 PM

Blogger Mark W. said...

What a strange world we live in...your dream-Whitney's song just made me choke on my coffee while trying not to spit it onto my expensive monitor. (don't worry, I'm not going to sue).

Hilariously strange!

10:04 PM


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