"Keep on the sunny side of life."

Monday, January 22, 2007

Lee Ann Must Be Tired If...

1) I come home after school and fall...literally, FALL...into bed

2) I fall asleep with my glasses on and a book on my belly

3) The kitties don't wake me up with all their playfullness (jumping up and down from the bed, crawling through mini-blinds, meowing at each other and at me, etc.)

4) I really have to go the bathroom, but can't bring myself to get out of bed to do it

5) I have a Diet Cherry Coke from Sonic on my bedside table but can't muster up enough energy to sit up for a drink

6) I don't even open my eyes or grunt when my husband gets home from work

and finally, the most shocking and disturbing symptom of my utter exhaustion...

7) I pass up a very rare invitation from my husband to go to the movies! What's happening to me?!?!?!?

All of these things happened today...in the past hour, in fact. I don't know what the deal is. I think it's the weather. Really! It's cold (which I don't like), rainy (which I don't like), and getting dark early (which I don't like). This is really my least favorite part of the year. Every day I yearn for the warm, sunny days of spring! The green grass! (rather than the brown, dead, muddy crud in our yard now.) The blue skies! (instead of the boring gray ones that have been outside my window for the past week.) The warm breeze! (not the painfully cold stabs of wind that we've got now.) Oh, spring, come quickly!!!

And, to end on a happy note, one of my kids came up to me this morning and said, "Hey, you know what I heard on TV this morning, Mrs. James? Today's supposed to be the most depressing day of the year." This, mind you, was said in the wonderfully upbeat and excited voice of a 12 year old boy. I just looked at him and said, "Thanks, Justin. I'll look forward to that."


Blogger McDreamy said...

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7:18 PM

Blogger Lee Ann James said...

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7:30 PM

Blogger Lee Ann James said...

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7:35 PM

Blogger McDreamy said...

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8:12 PM

Blogger Sugar-n-Spice said...

why do i get the feeling i've missed a really good conversation via comments?...
check your thyroid! :)...
and always love your post...you should do it more often...hint, hint! :)

8:30 PM


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