New Gadgets
Today my yard looks better than it has in months. Taylor really pulled out all the stops and did a GREAT job on it! Now, Taylor has done a fair job in the past, but nothing like today. He's never had the excitement about it that he did today. There have been times when I've felt like a nagging wife when it comes to this issue. "Today looks like a good day to do the yard, huh Taylor?" Then a week later, "Will you please do the yard today, Taylor?" And yet another week later, "Taylor! Our yard looks TERRIBLE! You've GOT to mow!" Why the change today, then? Well, there's no mystery. He got a new yard gadget. Yesterday while I was at a workshop in Pine Bluff, my guy and Matt had a "man-breakfast". (Their term, not mine.) That's not all they did, though. After their meal, they went to Lowe's. I can just imagine the scene that unfolded.
They walk in, full from their hearty man-breakfast, chests puffed out with pride because, yes, they ARE men. They casually talk as they walk down the aisles, jokes being cracked here and there. Then, they both stop short. (Here, the camera slowly pans away from their face and up to the....ta-da!...Black and Decker Leaf Hog.)

The voices of angels sing and a light from heaven shines down upon this fine piece of manly equipment. They both walk toward it, and it's over. One of them is getting it today, and that's that.
So, being the wonderfully supportive and generous wife that I am, (and because Taylor's birthday is Friday and I hadn't gotten him a big gift yet) it was my husband's lucky day. He is now the proud owner of a new lawn gadget. Today, he used it like a pro. Drive by the house and check it out!