The End of an Era

I just finished reading the last book in the Harry Potter series, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows". I cried through the whole last 100 pages of the book! Half of the reason I cried was because of what was happening in the book - the other half, I think, was because it's over. It's over. For the last 7 years of my life, there has always been a new Harry Potter book to look forward to. Always, I could wonder what was going to happen next. Would Harry defeat Voldomort in the end? Would Ron and Hermione get together? Was Snape good or bad? Does Harry DIE?!?! Now, I have no more questions. All of them have been answered. How sad! However, I couldn't have asked for a better ending to the series. It was just...perfect. All of you are probably thinking what a weirdo I am to be mourning like this over the end of a series, and maybe you're right, but I can't help it! They were just great books, and I'm going to miss the anticipation of waiting for the next one. Although, my dad thinks that this will not be the last one. I disagree with him, but who knows? All I know is I have enjoyed the last 7 years with Harry, Ron, Hermione, and all the other characters, and I will miss them immensly. (Wow, I do sound kinda like a weirdo, don't I?) ;)