Travel & Harry Potter
Taylor and I have been going on trips all summer! We've been to AL to see Rosie and Phillip twice, TX for the wedding, Family Camp with church, and I've been to Little Rock and/or Conway countless times to see family. Today, we're leaving for Kansas City with Taylor's family. I'm excited about everything - except for the drive. UGH! I have come to dread long car trips. Tonight, we're just going as far as Little Rock, and we're staying with Taylor's brother and his family. Then, we're leaving early on Friday morning to drive to KC. It'll only be about 7 hours from LR, so I guess it could be worse. We'll have a good time seeing and hanging out with everyone.

One more thing - Taylor and I saw Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix last night. It was pretty good. I mean, I really enjoyed it, in comparison with all the other films I've seen recently. However, I just think the book is SO much better! I can't tell you how much you're missing out on if you've just watched the Harry Potter movies and not read the books. It's almost criminal! As I was watching last night, it kept coming to my mind that all this was created in the imagination of one woman. Isn't that crazy? What an imagination to come up with this whole world and all the cool things in it - quidditch, Polyjuice Potion, the Room of Requirement, etc...such creative things from someone's imagination! Anyway, I do recommend it - the book more than the movie - for anyone who likes such things. Enjoy!
Hope ya'll are having fun! I knew you must have been busy b/c I haven't seen you much. I'm assuming you won't be around on Tuesday, but remember we're still meeting on Tuesday's until further notice. See ya soon!
4:04 PM
Have a good time!!I am not fond of riding in the vehicle that long either.......
10:26 AM
i love the travelin' - we need to teach y'all some of the parker games we play in the car. not the kid games, the me and matt games!
i wanna read harry potter someday.
9:09 AM
I love the Harry Potter movies.. I can't wait to see the new one! Never read the books... they're so darn long... I just don't have the time or "want to" right now. lol You guys sure are making a time of your summer! Sounds like fun! Next summer we plan to do as much traveling as Samuel can tolerate. :)
11:30 AM
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