"Keep on the sunny side of life."

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Praise God! Apparently all the prayers have worked, cause even though I have had SOOO much to do this week (and, by the way, still have quite a bit left to do), I have had the most incredibly positive attitude about it! It's awesome.

So, if anybody cares to know, the second year of teaching is already about 1.5 million times better than the first year for me. Not that I had a bad first year, but it's the FIRST year. The first year in any job is a little stressful, right? New people, new policies to learn, etc. All that equals stress. This year, I'm much less nervous. I'm actually excited about getting back to school! (I SAID I was excited last year, but I lied. Really I wasn't at all. I was just a big bundle of nerves.) SO, this year is better.

I apologize for putting my blog on the back burner this week. I have been really busy at the school. It's almost 8:00, and I just got home. But I got a lot done on my room today.

I'm excited about school. Yes. But I miss summer already!!! I miss being able to blog whenever I want to. I miss hanging out with friends during the day. I miss watching movies and sleeping late! Summer's great! I guess I can look forward to next summer! (Which, by the way, I have already begun making plans for. I'm going to take the long journey to White Hall and spend gobbs of time with the Parkers and their new baby! Suzanne warned me that I'd be washing sippy cups the whole time I was there, but they're worth it!)

All the time I have for now. I've got to do the dishes and eat supper. Until next time...keep praying!


Blogger Brittany said...

I'm so glad everything is going better for you this year! I know that you're going to do a great job!

10:32 PM

Blogger Rosie said...

I am so glad that everything is coming together for you! Love you!

8:57 AM

Blogger Mark W. said...

Isn't that totally the truth!!!...everyone "says" they're excited about the first year - but it's not "yippie" excitement; it's Please-God-don't-let-me-soil-my-pants excitement. The second year is TONS easier. Glad you're feeling positive!

Unlike you, I will NOT miss summer at least until November...when it finally cools down enough for me to be comfortable outside. I'm still a tortured Seattleite in many ways.

1:01 PM

Blogger Mandy said...

yay LeeAnn!! I'm so excited that you're ready for school now. I am too.. kinda! (well for madison anyway) For me it's exciting but very sad! I hope you have a fantastic school year with no mouthy kids! (one can dream right?)

11:53 PM

Blogger Lou Arnold said...

I am glad that you are excited about school this year. I understand about having to put the blog on the back burner. Me too. I have been so exhausting this first week.

2:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You teaching types are something special. I don't know how you get excited about dealing with 15 - 20 of someone elses kids. Hope you get a good batch!

10:37 PM

Blogger Brittany said...

Thank you so much for the shower! We had a great time! My family really enjoyed it, especially because some of them couldn't make it to my shower at our church. I love you girl!

11:03 PM

Blogger p said...

did you notice how I did not give you one guilt trip the entire time you didn't post?

1:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the long journey to Conway to see your nephew? I have lots of sippys that need washing!

Glad things are going great for you!

12:48 PM


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