Panic Attack #1
It's 6:22, and I've been up since 4:15. Around 5:30, I gave up trying to get back to sleep and got on the computer. I've got a workshop at school this morning, so my alarm will sound in approximately 8 minutes to start my day.
So, I had the before-school panic attack about an hour ago. I had several of these last year, but this was the first one so far this year. I lay in bed, just thinking of all the things I should've been doing to prepare for school, and, am I crazy to have waited this long to plan the first day, and, there's no way that I'm going to get all this stuff done before next Monday, and, I have no idea how to hook my AverKey up to my computer, and, I got SO many ideas of stuff to do at wkshops this summer...I just need to process it all and actually use it, and, I need to get my bulletin boards up - why did I wait this long to do that? And... WOW. Then I took a deep breath and thought, I can do this. I did it last year. I was even LESS prepared last year than I am this year, and I got though it fine.
I hate the pre-school panic attacks. I'm sure I'll have a couple more before school starts back up. Pray that God will give me peace and confidence!
Lee Lee,
Don't panic! Everybody who's anybody knows that you're an awesome teacher! Besides, alot of times things turn out better when you are pressed for time than they would have if you had spent HOURS agonizing over how to do them in just the perfect way, you know? You are a very creative person, and I know that you could put something together in just a few hours if you have to! The great thing is, if you don't get some of those things done, like a certain new lesson plan or the coolest bulletin board, the only person who will know the difference is YOU! Those kids won't care what the room looks like or what they do, only the way that their new teacher treats them. Keep up the good work sis!
Love you!
8:33 AM
Good luck with school. You are going to do great.
2:14 PM
I totally know how you feel! I'm supposed to be back in my office on Monday, my classes begin on the 23rd, and I just started renewing my syllabi today! I want every class to be the absolute best, but I could spend ALL summer planning and still be worried. I think you timed it just right! Shut off the worry and turn on the confidence again. You're sure to kick some butt.
6:58 PM
Lee Ann,
I pray that God will give you peace and confidence.
Peace ". . . not as the world gives, give I you."
Confidence . . . you can do all things thru Christ who strenthens you.
Your other Dad,
8:40 PM
oh, my gosh, next time i will try to read your blog before i go say something great in front of everybody, like, "so, do you have everything ready?" good grief. i love you. you're so amazing. truly. it will go amazingly!
10:23 PM
Your sweet spirit tells me that you are going to be an awesome teacher! I know the panic feelings....I have felt them myself lately. You can do this, we are all here to support you. Whether it be with words or a girls night out to relax! The later sounds hey we could talk too!
11:51 AM
I'm sure you're calmed down by this point, but a big ditto! :) You're a very organized person... and my guess is no matter how on top of things you actually are, you'll still worry that everything isn't perfect or ready. (I'm the same way... nothing is ever good enough) As long as you're an awesome teacher, like you are, everything will be great!!
3:39 PM
oh, a girls' night out. in little rock, of course?! and i did just invite myself. i KNOW one of you people can just swing over and pick me up on your way! make mine a virgin daquiri...
8:42 AM
Just droppin by to say Hi!I have panic attacks...they arent fun.LOL.You teach 6th grade?Is that right? Oh what a challenging bunch.God Bless ya girl!
2:27 PM
It seems this panic attack is going on 7 days now. I hope you catch your breath soon...and that your fingers stop jittering long enough to pound out an update! :)
3:31 PM
Take my advice...the greatest of panic attacks cower at the thought of a 'Double-Double Sweet Swamp Water'. Send Taylor to get you one!
12:49 PM
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