"Keep on the sunny side of life."

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Favorite Moments...

from my first week of school.

~I had duty Monday morning and was talking to a group of kids outside. One of my students (whom I'd met at open-house the week before) walked right up to me and stood there for a minute. Then he looked at me and said, "You look like you're a nice teacher," and smiled. What a sweetheart!

~When we were sharing things about ourselves, one of my kids told me his nickname is Bacon. "Cause I got so dark this summer." Huh??? This kid is a trip! But so funny!

~We do a Bell Ringer after the kids come in from lunch...something for them to work on right when they come in so they don't wreak havoc before the tardy bell rings. I had previously called it "Bell Work", but this period I called it a Bell Ringer. One of my girls said, "Huh? What's that?" After I told her, she gave me this funny look and said, "6th grade teachers sure do have some odd vocabulary, Mrs. James."

~Yesterday while having a discussion about whether or not newspapers have become obselete in our internet/radio/tv-infused society (to my students, this reads, "should we read newspapers or not?") one of my kids (the Bacon one) said, very seriously, "Well, I'm not trying to be funny or anything, but they come in handy when you're on the throne. I mean, sometimes you get bored."

~ Today we were doing a map activity. I was giving the kids instructions orally, only saying each instruction ONCE, (this was SO hard for some of them!) and they had to place the things where I told them to on the map. Ex: Draw a river from the north end of the paper to the south end. Draw a tree east of the river. Draw a school north of the tree and west of the river. Etc... Anyway, my last instruction was for them to draw Mrs. James anywhere on the map. Oh, man! Did I get some laughs out of this one. Here is where I showed up...hanging from a tree in a tire swing, lounging in the hot tub in the house, laying out tanning on a boat in the river, in the fish's mouth, and many more! What a sense of humor these kids have!

~ This morning I had my kids write a response to something I'd read aloud to them. I asked for half a page and was walking around observing while they were writing. This one kid (Whom people have told me was a terror last year...cussed out his teacher, etc) hadn't written ANYTHING, and about the 4th time I walked by him, I tried to get him thinking of what to write and said, "When I walk back over here, I want you to have at least one sentence, okay?" Well, I walked over, and he had 1/2 a sentence. Instead of getting on to him, I decided, hey, I'll encourage the kid. So I said, "You're almost there! That's a great start!" The next time I walked back, he had a few sentences! Again, I encouraged him. "You're almost at a half a page! Great!" Finally, he reached his goal. He raised his hand to call me over to look at it. I read it and told him great job, he was done now. He looked at me, smiling, and said, "Can I write some more?"

This has been a great week!


Blogger Jerry James said...

What were those instructions again?

11:27 PM

Blogger Brittany said...

Sounds like you had an awesome week! I love the part where you encouraged that kid instead of getting on to him. It really makes a difference!

Hey, did you watch the Ron Clark story on TNT a couple weeks ago? With Matthew Perry as the teacher in Harlem, NY? It was awesome; you would love it, if you didn't see it.

9:07 PM

Blogger Sugar-n-Spice said...

what a great post! makes me wanna be a teacher. . .oh, wait, visions of me trying to teach only 6 in sunday school are resurfacing. . .never mind. teachers are definitely special people!

9:36 PM

Blogger Mandy said...

OH girl that warms my heart!! I am so happy that you had such a great week.. what a great start! (obviously my blog was not so sunny.. though madison's teacher sent a report home saying she was an angel all week.. that made me feel better!) Your kids have me laughing just hearing about them! GOOD JOB for you on encouraging that boy! You just stated my entire parenting method (in general.. I do scold too, you know that lol) Praise the good, ignore the bad things you can, and they'll STRIVE to get that praise. It does work... even if it takes time. Obviously he was craving some praise and encouragement... he worked hard when he realized you'd support him and not nag and point fingers at him... you're doing so awesome!!!

9:58 PM

Blogger Lou Arnold said...

I am glad your school year is going great. Good luck on next week.

8:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What wonderfully lucky, blessed students to be in your class!!!! God is using you in a great way.

3:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lee Ann,
I agree with Taylor's Mom!!!
You are exactly where God needs you...You are making a difference...a Wonderful difference!!!
....but no wonder you are tired...you give so much of yourself.
A 'Three day weekend' will help...enjoy!!! ;)

11:41 AM


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