The Andrews Family Numbers
about 40.....people attended.
about 30.....people I'd never met before.
1...nap I took on Saturday.! Eli - he's so cute! He's on the verge of crawling!
2...babies-to-be. One of the relatives was pregnant with twins!
25 billion....calories I ingested over the weekend.
5...times Taylor and I almost got into a fight in the kitchen. (He was in charge, and I have problems with authority...)
1...great jazz quartet performance
15...times Taylor was complimented on breakfast! He did a GREAT job!
1...thing we left in our kitchen at home...the sink. We packed everything else. of RA I played. RA is a card game that Taylor's bro taught me...really fun!
14...hours of sleep I got from Thursday night to Sunday. (about 4 hours each night and a 2 hr. nap) fashion show
14...dozen eggs eaten for breakfast over the weekend! reenactment for the wedding anniversary of one of the couples. No planning, and it went off without a "hitch"!
75....pounds of flour Taylor bought at Sam's before the trip. Yes, we've got a little left over. ;)
2...things we forgot to bring. Sugar and napkins.
10...hours we drove total there and back. Not too bad.
0...times we got lost! Taylor's GPS is growing on really helped us get there.
15...seconds I stood in the FREEZING cold river before I had to step onto a rock to get out of the water.
3...pugs. Those puppies were so cute!
10,000....times I laughed. Taylor's family is great!
3...years I have to wait until the next one.
You have problems with authority???Who knew??
10:02 PM
Just when Taylor's in charge, Rene... :)
10:05 PM
I'm so glad you guys are back home! Sounds like you had a graet time! (if food is involved it's a great time!) So 3 years until another reunion?! Man that stinks! Maybe you'll be rested up enough by that time though to do it all over again ;)
10:47 PM
i love the post!!
it was worth the wait and i'd love to be part of your family!
6:48 AM
That was a great post. I still can't believe you have problems with authority. :)
7:49 AM
Sounds like you had a wonderful time! Glad you're back. See ya soon.
2:17 PM
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8:56 PM
You said Taylor's family is great. It is your family, too, and has been for a year now. Oh, I didn't even give any congratulations on you and Taylor's anniversary. Come to think of it, I didn't congratulate Nathan and Amy either. Oh well, happy late anniversary.
1:14 PM
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