Insomnia Blues

Here it is - 1 a.m. on a Saturday night - and I can't sleep. And that stinks. I really hate not being able to sleep. I shouldn't be surprised, though. This happens every summer. My schedule gets all out of whack and I end up sleeping at the strangest times. I'm actually shocked that I can't sleep tonight, though. I've had a pretty eventful week, and I thought for sure I'd have visions of sugar plums (or whatever dances in your sleeping brain in June) dancing in my head about now. So what do I do? I blog.
I mentioned a busy week. It's has been busy, but it's been really enjoyable at the same time. Last Friday was my last day of school (yay!) and on Saturday Taylor, my mom, and I left for Camden, AL to see Rosie and Phillip. We stayed there until Tuesday (and had a GREAT time, by the way!). We got home Tuesday night. Then, on Wednesday I washed clothes, cleaned the house a little, and went to a Watermark concert in Little Rock with Taylor and his dad. That was really fun. I've always loved Watermark, and it was great to see them live. The last song they did was the song Taylor and I had in our wedding, "Captivated". It was pretty great to hear them sing it. Thursday I got to lounge around a little in the morning, and in the afternoon I made the short trip over to Warren to be measured for a bridesmaid's dress. (My college roomie is getting married at the end of this month!) Yesterday, I took Taylor's grandmother to Pine Bluff for a dr.'s appointment and a little shopping. We got home at 5:00, and at 6:00, Taylor and I left for Hot Springs to have dinner with another college friend. We spent the night in my grandparent's old house with my mom and dad. It was really fun to get to spend time with them. We went out to eat this morning and then drove home. (In the pounding rain the whole way UNTIL we turned onto 35. Rough drive!) Whew! What a week! But, hey, it's summer, right? I cannot complain.
Still not tired. Shoot. I guess I'll at least go lay in the bed and try to get to sleep. Maybe I'll try my balloon trick. Counting sheep never worked for me, so this is what I do instead. I've done it since I was a little kid...whenever I'm having trouble sleeping, I imagine a big bundle of balloons. Sometimes they're all one color (red), but most of the time it's a variety. Anyway, I picture this big bundle of balloons drifing up into the sky and floating away with the breeze. It's very strange how it works, but it always seems to help at least just a little. Weird, huh? If that doesn't work, I'll probably just read. With reading, however, it's a coin toss. Sometimes reading puts me out in a matter of minutes, but sometimes, if what I'm reading is really good, I don't want to stop reading so I end up staying up even later! Okay, here's the plan. I'll read for half an hour, THEN turn of the light and try the balloon thing. There. It's always nice to have a plan, right? Here goes...
I really am sorry you couldn't sleep last night. It might help if you didn't take a nap during the day. Just a thought.
On another note though, I would love for you to post about my new blog.
3:26 PM
You asleep yet?
4:50 PM
I was up till 2 working on that video for Journey. Just kept finding "must show" pictures. Wish I'd seen your blog entry then, and I could have asked for some funny ones of Taylor.
6:50 PM
You can't sleep. I never have that problem. Turn a movie on and I am gone.
8:13 PM
Lou-that sounds like my husband
LeeAnn-I have been an insomniac my entire life,I definitely feel your pain there......So sorry that you are having that trouble.
10:10 AM
the balloon thing is too funny - i can just hear you saying it!
10:23 PM
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