Summer's almost here!

It's here! My last week of school has finally arrived. Although, I must say, I'm sad to see it end. This year was so much better than last year. I had kids that I loved and looked forward to seeing every day. (well...most days...) ;) This year was also WAY less stressful and confusing than last year. I really had a good time, but I actually love this part of teaching. Every year is new!
This week will be pretty easy, I guess. It's semester test week, so some of my kids are not coming - Friday was their last day. The kids who do have to come this week only come Mon. through Wed. (Thurs. is make-up test day.) Friday is staff development, so no students will be there. Then...summer!
Saturday I'm kicking off my summer with a visit to Alabama to see Rosie and Phillip. Taylor, my mom, and I are all going down for four days. I'm SO excited! I can't believe it was this time last year that I left on my last day of school to move them to AL. What a year it has been!
I've got a bunch planned for this summer. I have tons of professional development days that I'm going to - that's the first order of business. I'm also going on several trips. The first one is to AL, then to TX in June for my college roomie's wedding. Then in July-Tommy, Suzi, Josh, Taylor, and I are going back to AL en route to Destin, FL. Taylor and I are also planning on going to Family Camp in June with our church. We're really looking forward to that, since we weren't able to go last year. I'm sure that's not all I have planned, but that's all I can remember without looking at my calendar! One thing I know for sure, it'll go by way too fast!
uh, hello, the parker clan is eagerly awaiting you up here!!!
tell your sis i said i miss her too much.
and you too, sucka.
10:05 PM
Wow what a summer. I think I am just going to stay home and sleep.
11:48 PM
I am soooo looking forward to summer too!!!Sounds like you have a great summer ahead of you!!!!!
6:53 AM
9:20 AM
Have a GREAT trip!! Sounds like your summer is going to really be great.. and I'm with ya.. I'm SO happy summer is almost officially here! (madison's last day is May 31) Don't forget that June 18th you have a birthday party to attend at the hospital ;) (or at least come visit sometime after lol)
9:54 PM
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