"Keep on the sunny side of life."

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Another one!

Ready for another glimpse into the mind of Lee Ann? Here's another crazy dream I had recently.

I dreamed that I was driving home from my parents' house in Warren, and I got pulled over. The cop walked up to my car, and he was a real young guy, probably younger that I am. I was worried that he was gonna be mean, so I was very surprised when he came up to my window with a smile. He started talking to me, and then he proceeded to get in my car so we could keep chatting. We hit it off, and talked for what seemed like hours. In my dream, for some reason, I saw no problem with this. I was really excited, because I assumed that now that we were pals he wouldn't give me a ticket. I was wrong. He told me that he was going to give me a ticket.

I had some errand to run, and since we'd spend so much time talking, I was running late. So I told him I'd go run my errand and be right back to get my ticket. He saw no problem with this! So I drove off, ran my errand, and came back just like I said I would. (I'm honest in my dreams, apparently.)

When I came back, it was dark already, and I saw lots of cars parked and people out partying. Apparently my new friend had decided to throw a party while he was waiting for me. I got out to get my ticket, and he invited me to stay for the party. I decided not to. (I'm not a big party girl, you know.) So I left, but not before he gave me the ticket.

When I got back home, I went over to Clayton and Mandy's house and told them about my experience. Clayton was furious that this cop had acted so unprofessionally.

How random.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Catching Up

I spent four hours last night reading my old posts and comments. I forgot how much I used to love blogging! I loved reading what had gone on in my life over the past two years. There were so many things that I'd forgotten about - great memories to read back through. Some of my favorite posts to read were ones about the crazy dreams I've had! I'm gonna catch you up on some of my favorites and most memorable over the next few days. Here's the first.

I had this dream a few weeks ago when I was helping Taylor and his dad work a baseball tournament. My job was to put the pictures Taylor took on the computer, label them according to team, location, and age, and rate them 1-5. I then put them online. At one point in the weekend, I was freaking out because I was convinced I was doing it wrong. I didn't think I had some of the team names right, there were a few teams I hadn't the foggiest idea of name, age, or location, and I had tried to upload too many pictures on the internet at a time, so it froze. It was a pretty tense time. By the end of the weekend I had things figured out and all was going smoothly, but those few hours were very stressful!

One night after that day, I had the craziest dream! I dreamed that I was again enlisted to help Taylor and his dad with a tournament, but this time I would be helping with t-shirts. It would be my job to iron the team photos on the shirts using a big heat press they have. For some reason, Taylor's dad thought it would be okay for me to hold down the fort BY MYSELF the first night of the tournament and the next morning. Come on, Jerry! And, for some reason, I agreed to do it. There I was, sitting under the tent, waiting for the tournament to begin when several things went wrong.

First, no one was buying shirts. There was another girl selling the same kind of shirts on the other side of the tent, and she was getting all the business! In my dream, I was sure that this was all my fault, but I didn't know exactly what to do about it.

Then, it started raining. Not just raining, pouring. This was a problem because all of the boxes with the t-shirts in them were for some reason stored outside of the tent. I frantically moved all the boxes under the tent, which was now very crowded with people and everybody else's wet boxes as well.

The next terrible thing that happened was Taylor's sister came by. Now normally, this would not be a terrible thing. I love Tarah! But in my dream, she was very disappointed in my performance on the job. She couldn't believe I hadn't sold more than I had, and she was very upset that I let all the boxes get wet.

By this point in the dream, I was distraught. Then, the worst thing happened. I looked over to again check on the other girl selling photo t-shirts and see that she was not by her heat press making shirts. She was standing over our heat press, cooking a humongous, juicy steak! It was literally like the whole leg of a cow. This seemed ridiculous to me! Who in their right mind would use a heat press to cook food?!? I ran over to her, asking what she thought she was doing! She said she was hungry! I told her that if she wanted to cook steak, dang it, she'd better cook it on her own heat press - not ours!

That's where the dream ended. Crazy! I told Taylor about my dream the morning after, and he thought it was just as funny as I did. The next day, he and his dad started working another tournament, and Taylor came home for dinner. He told me that his dad had used the heat press that afternoon to warm up his nachos! Now, that's REALLY crazy! Tune in for more dreams!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Second new post in as many minutes? What?!?! I just had to say this. So, I looked a little closer and my last post was in March...of LAST YEAR. Whoa. I've been a lot worse at blogging than I thought! Forgive me!

I'm alive!

I'm still here! Anyone still looking? I have seriously let my blogging go down the drain this summer. I just saw that my last post was in March - sad, sad.

My summer has been going well so far, and actually, it's almost over! This is technically my last week of freedom before workshops take up the remainder of my summer days. Lots of things have happened this summer - good and not-so-good. Some of the not-so-good stuff: family drama, friends dealing with pregnancy troubles, friends moving away. But lots of good things have happened, too. I've gotten to spend lots of time with my family and friends, which I always love. Taylor and I started a new health plan - which we've been consistent with for almost two months now. My health, as far as diabetes goes, is doing well. I got a cool new sensor that tests my blood sugar every 5 minutes automatically, so at any time of the day, I can look at my insulin pump and see. Pretty cool, right? So, yeah, good things and not-so-good things. Such is life, right?

I'm going to try to keep up with my blogging better in the weeks to come, so keep checking back frequently for new posts!