"Keep on the sunny side of life."

Monday, March 17, 2008

Are you ready for this?

(How many of you are singing the song now?) ;)

I'm posting AGAIN! Two days in a row, baby! All thanks to a little thing I like to call free time. Ah...it's wonderful. Wanna hear what I did today? Slept in, had lunch with Tay, watched Raiders of the Lost Ark (I love Indiana Jones! Can't wait till the movie this summer!), and went to the eye doctor. My eyes are still dilated (yuck), but they're a little better than they were a few hours ago. I'm fixing to be at the Files's playing cards (Hearts, no doubt). I love Spring Break!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


It's Spring Break! And I haven't posted since Christmas Break. Oh well.

I just wanted to update those of you who might have been wondering what's happened in the past three months of my life. Actually, not that much. More of the same old stuff. But it's all good! Let's see...how about one of my beloved lists? Oh, alright, you convinced me.

Lee's favorite things from the past three months (in totally random order...except for #1...):

1. Definitely number one - the SNOW!!! 9 Days ago (a little over a week? And two days ago it was 80 degrees?) it snowed about 6 inches. It snowed all day long. It was beautiful and fun and exciting and on the weekend, so no school was missed (aka, no school has to be made up at the end of the year). Yipee!

2. Friends - lots of hanging out with friends has happened over the past three months, and man have I enjoyed it! Game nights, dinner dates, good ole hangouts...so much fun! Also, two of my best friends from college just got engaged. One of them was proposed to in her classroom (she's a kindergarden teacher). Her fiance made t-shirts for all her students to wear with a letter on each shirt. They were all lined up to spell out "Miss Brittany, will you marry me?" And he was wearing the question mark. How sweet!

3. American Idol - I'm addicted. Even though I have no cable or satellite, I have somehow managed to watch every episode since the auditions. (Well, the performances. I miss the results shows most weeks.) Some weeks I went to my parents in Warren to watch it, a couple of times I went to Taylor's dad and grandma's house, and recently I've been going to Jeff and Caroline's (my pastor and his wife's) house to watch it. My faves? Jason Castro (he's so dreamy...sigh...;)) , Lil' David Archuleta (I don't know why, but every time I say his name, I have to put the "lil" on there. He's so little and cute! And great voice!), Brooke White (she's cool), and Carly (she's like a pro already.) Yea American Idol!

4. Books! I've been reading like crazy since Christmas, and I've read some really good books. A lot of the books I've read have been adolescent literature (you know, books for my classroom), but I've read some really good "grown-up" books too. I love reading!

5. Family - We've gotten to spend a lot of time with family in the past few months. We went to Little Rock last weekend to spend the day with Taylor's family, and we had a lot of fun there. Also, for the past couple of months, Taylor and I have gone over to my parents' house once a week and made dinner for them before watching American Idol or Lost. I've really enjoyed hanging out with them, and I'm thinking of keeping it going even after American Idol is over. I forget how much I like those people! ;) And last but not least, this week I get to see Rosie and Phillip! I'm so excited! Tay, my mom, my sister Suzanne, her son Josh, and I are all going down to Camden, AL Thursday to see them. I'm sure I'll have plenty of pictures and stories from that trip!

I guess those are the highlights. I'm sure I'm forgetting some stuff, but it's too late to worry about that now!