First School Dream
For the past two years, I've always had dreams/nightmares/panic attacks right before school starts. The first year was the worst, last year was a little better, and this year has been great! I've only just now had my first dream about school, and it wasn't even that bad! Maybe I can actually do this teaching thing...;) Here's the dream:
I'm in my classroom on the first day of school, and it is right before lunch. We've had a great time this morning, playing getting-to-know-you games and doing just that - getting to know each other. Suddenly, I realize that lunch is in about five minutes, and I've forgotten to tell my class about all the cafeteria rules. So I rush to do that, and by the time I'm finished all the other classes have left for lunch. I tell my kids that they can go, but I forget to tell them not to run, and they all run like crazy people to the cafeteria. I rush to catch up to them, and two of the boys get in a fight. One of them picks up this really long stick that just happens to be sitting there and uses it like a sword. They eventually calm down, and then I woke up. Pretty strange, but not bad, considering the dreams I've had in the past!
School starts Monday, and I'm ready! I've got my room ready, my lesson plans are written and turned in to the principal, I've made all my copies...I'm ready! It feels so go to be prepared. I've never been a person who just enjoys winging it, especially on the first day. I'm looking forward to Monday, and I'm confident that this year is going to be my best year yet! Please remember to keep teachers and kids in your prayers this first week.
Good luck Monday. Hopefully nobody will beat anybody up.
4:27 PM
I second that!;D
11:23 PM
I can soooo feel your pain. I always had the back to school dreams and I've taught for 8 years!!!! Out of all the teachers I've ever worked with, most say they do the same thing. You will definitely be in my prayers. Teaching is such a ministry. Thank you for being a great role model for your kids!!!!
10:41 AM
AMEN MISTY! I love the fact that we have great public schools here......thanks to people like YOU!
7:30 PM
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